Super Dog Saves Other Dog

Hat tip: Ana the Blogless


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Hat Tip: Ana.
Hat Tip: Ana

I'll bet this really irks religious people.

By Gilipollas Caraculo (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink

Well, you see, it is really Dog, not God. The writers were dyslexic.

hmm...obviously, the dog was not trying to help the other one, it was looking to eat it, and we just interpreted it the wrong way. It is a "dog eat dog" world, so think of that the next time you sleep with a dog loose in the house.... (my nearly 1-yr old puppy sleeps on my bed with me, btw).

Of course, you have the Buddhist Koan about a dog having Buddha-nature, so maybe they are right...

Nah, it's just that altruistic behavior is part of our shared evolutionary heritage. Along with empathy that makes you cringe when you see the dog hit. Poor thing. Any idea what happened?