Today an LOL Cat ...


Tomorrow, this dog is a snack.

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I woke up this morning and rode the stationary bike. Had a healthy breakfast, lunch, and snack. Took the kiddo for a bike ride. Then came the carnitas.
A herring gull (Larus argentatus) flying off with a snack. Photographed at Spring Lake, New Jersey.
“Is your Hot Pocket cold in the middle?” “It’s frozen. But it can be served boiling lava hot.” “Will it burn my mouth?” “It’ll destroy your mouth. Everything will taste like rubber for a month.”  -Jim Gaffigan You've all had the experience: you're all excited to microwave your favorite snack. So…
The persecution complex runs deep. Here's another another example of laughable letter to the editor, complaining about a story that referred to "wafers and wine": …the Roman Catholic Church doesn't now, nor has it ever offered a wafer and wine as Communion. We do offer the body and blood of Jesus…

Tomorrow, this dog is a snack.
Or not. When we went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park, we were told that they raised cheetahs with dogs. If the cheetah was spooked by a person during the Cheetah Run, it would see that the dog was still calm and figure that there was no danger.