You can run but you can not hide

Bachmann's Religious Cult Organizes Minnesota School Assemblies that Frighten, Disturb Students. Female students are told they "... should be pretty much [their] husband's slaves." One's student's reaction: "When I graduate, I'm not going to shake my school administrators hand."

I drive through Pequot Lakes (and Pine River) several times a year. It's the town on 379 with the water tower made to look like a giant fishing float. I will never think of this sleepy little rural town again.

Anyway, here's the thing. This organization that provides these assemblies for the students is the church that our own local congressperson Michel Bachmann (Minnesota Sixth District, Republican) is strongly associated with.

DMB web site has assembled a list of other reports similar to this one, and has more details for you. Here.

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I'm curious about when all this took place in Pequot Lakes and Pine River. It was obviously not recent, or at least not within the last few weeks.

Pine River is the place where I had to listen to some white guy complaining about how only the Indians get to run casinos. "It isn't fair," he complained. I asked him for a replacement irony meter, which is why I use a solid-state digital one now.

If they think this countries values are wrong, then shouldn't they leave?

I'm really curious why the faculty didn't shut the assembly down when it turned religious.

The video is news coverage from May 2007.
I'm not sure what's happening currently (the only research I did was to click through to the YouTube page...), so it's possible they've toned it down over the last year and a half.

The linked website is a collection of material against that particular congressperson, so it's not necessarily discussing current events.


If they think this countries values are wrong, then shouldn't they leave?

That doesn't make any sense -- I wouldn't argue that vocal atheists should leave the US because they're a minority. But I sure as hell won't support any group that tries this kind of trick either -- masquerading as an anti-drug group to get the funding (and get into the schools in the first place) then switching over mid-assembly to pushing a completely unrelated agenda harshly enough that students are breaking into tears and fleeing the hall? No.

Aren't they breaking any laws?

I'm really curious why the faculty didn't shut the assembly down when it turned religious.

That is a very good question.... Particularly since it didn't just turn religious, it turned freaky and aggressively negative.

Der Leader Monkey, Bradlee Dean, preaches the gospel of hate every Saturday @ 1pm on KKMS 980 Minneapolis. He is still using the bait and switch on unsuspecting public schools. What school principal would invite You Can Run But You Cannot Hide back for more? You got it. Keep the spotlight on Bradlee Dean and company.

By talking snake (not verified) on 31 Jan 2009 #permalink

how easy it is for someone to say whatever they want about an organization without proof. Peta is an much loved organization but they kill more animals then any other shelter. When trouble arises on the street and crime runs rampant amongst the youth, rather then do something about it you rather sit in your quiet apartment and badger those that are. btw one of many truths about peta