This post is good for you.

One of my most widely read posts became widely read mainly by being linked to by a very popular blog. I'm not normally including such posts in this retrospective Year in Review, for obvious reasons. However, in this case, because I think this post is good for you, I am going to send you there for a few minutes of edumication. Have a look at How to be more keyboardy

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   No, this doesn't have Flash or a camera either. Nice text resolution, though...This post is long overdue. It has now been over two weeks since ScienceOnline'10 and the withdrawal symptoms (along with the SciPlague and jet-lag) have now subsided. I've already talked about how much I enjoyed…

I have been noticing for a while now that the "Find" function in Firefox doesn't work so well any more. it seems to be case-sensitive. Is there a way to make it case-insensitive?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 26 Dec 2008 #permalink