The cookies

i-822e85aaebc80d87f462d290cf0243b2-walker_cherry.jpgWe went out to cross country ski this morning. Never got to ski because it got to warm and rainy, so we went instead downtown and eventually to the Walker to appreciate some modern art.

People do not go to the Walker museum of modern art in Minneapolis to appreciate the art as much as to affect the appearance of understanding the art. Which they don't. Because you can't, and the sooner you understand that, the quicker you will enjoy it and the less annoying of a person you will be. But I digress.

The point is that the cookies, I suspect under armed guard, arrived and were there on my front steps when we returned home. Many varieties, all hand made and home made, all excellent, lovingly packaged, and accompanied by a book to read and a DVD to watch!

Thank you for my favorite cookies from my favorite maker of cookies!

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What a wonderful friend you have! :-)
I'm assuming the book is 'Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress' ??

... Ana - would you like MY address?! I love cookies and I'm already fat! (jk) ;-)