Michele Bachmann on the Franken Coleman Recount

What a moron. A lying moron, if you must know.

I love it: "Fair Judge = Norm Coleman Wins"

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This is certainly what we've come to expect from this loon. But on Fox News, who would notice?

"If the world is fair, I will get my way!"

I think I've spotted at least two flaws in her reasoning.

'Comedian' Al Franken. Nice.

By Terry Schubring (not verified) on 14 Jan 2009 #permalink

Bachmann repeatedly says "If he gets a fair judge."

But it's a three-judge panel hearing this case. Of course, what would Bachmann know? She hasn't practiced law in nearly 20 years and isn't even authorized to practice law in Minnesota anymore.

By George Hayduke (not verified) on 14 Jan 2009 #permalink

And the law school at which she got her law degree was shut down.