Don't pray for me Great Britain

... or Argentina or Nurse Ratchet.

In our allegedly multicultural society, there is one religious group which is apparently not to be afforded equal respect, let alone treated for what it embodies - the foundational creed of this nation. That group is Britain's Christians.

Somerset community nurse and committed Christian Caroline Petrie has been suspended and faces being sacked and even struck off for offering to say a prayer for an elderly patient. Although startled, the patient - herself a Christian - did not make a complaint and was in no way offended.

.... and so on and so forth. So the assumption here is that Pushy Christians are OK?

Here's what I really want to know: What is the difference between being "sacked" and being "Struck Off"???

This story is here, and there is a poll you may want to have a look at on the same site.

Hat Tip: Pharyngula.

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I'd assume that 'struck off' refers to the nurse register - so she'd not only lose her current employment, she would also lose her status as a registered nurse, preventing her from finding another position in the field.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 03 Feb 2009 #permalink

"Sacked" means "fired from a job"
"Struck off" means having a name removed from a professional register, General Nursing Council's. If she were, she'd lose the right to work as a nurse or call herself one.

"Sacked" means "fired from a job"
"Struck off" means having a name removed from a professional register, General Nursing Council's. If she were, she'd lose the right to work as a nurse or call herself one.

If she prayed to the devil, instead of just believing in devils and such, do you think the the people who would not currently object to prayers might begin to object?

This is Melanie Phillips, n'est-ce-pas? Wingnut extraordinaire and professional Islamophobe. Think an Anglo-Jewish version of that Filipina-American woman whose name I can never commit to memory. She writes for a paper which makes Rupert Murdoch look like a red hot socialist.

Paying attention only encourages them.

My father-in-law had to deal with this kind of crap recently from the local 7DA run hospital. I so wish they would pull that crap with me. Sure, I'll pray with you. Dear Satan, please strike down the arrogant, hypocritical bitch sitting here next to me... Watching 'em squirm is the fun part.

The Mail is leading the charge with this nonsense, but the Telegraph (another bastion of dappyness) is on the case as well.

Personally, I think the whole thing is creepy - being prayed for is not only intrusive, it smacks of having the last rites read over you. If you want to pray for your patient, you go for it - but its between you and your God, don't get the rest of us involved.

Christian are hardly persecuted here in the UK - the C of E is the state church, you can even get to sit in the House of Lords if you become an archbishop, and the government has been busy encouraging Christian used car salesmen and the like to set up schools with my money to teach creationism.

I just try to ignore them, its easier on the blood pressure.

There is a slightly sinister organization that seems to have been behind the creation of both this story, and pretty much every similar story that's been in the UK press recently... see here.

Hey, maybe itÅ just the way I see the world right now, but aren't you people making a big deal out of nothing? I mean, the woman didn't even get offended. I understand that it's not professional for a nurse to do that, but the repercussions of this are just way out of proportion.
I honestly believe that most atheits are becaming as religious are any other religious people, reaceting exactly the same way they do. I don't believe in disrespecting people's beliefs simply because I'd like mu disbelief respected and I don't believe we're gonna get any respect by acting just like they do.
I'm sorry for the rampant, but I've been seeing this a lot lately in atheist blogs and it scares the crap out of me.