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Carnival of Evolution # 9 is HERE.

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The Carnival of Evolution is a new carnival, the second edition of which is here at Evolution Blog! The next issue, issue nuber 3, will be hosted HERE. No, not there, here, right here on this blog you are looking at now. Pleas send me your blog posts about your favorite topic, which is evolution…
Here's some blog carnivals that have been published recently; Carnival of Evolution, issue #3. This new blog carnival is all about evolution! I and the Bird, issue #85, Love and Birding, a Blog Carnival in Three Acts. This blog carnival focuses on birding and wild birds. Carnival of the Vanities,…
I am hosting The Giant's Shoulders this month. Please get me your submissions by the 15th. Hint: Darwin's birthday is this month. Hint: Darwin was a giant. Do Darwin! Send submissions via the blog carnival submission thingie. Berry Go Round #13: Winter-Tough is here, at Watching The World…
The Saturday, November 1, 2008 edition of the Carnival of Evolution, a.k.a. The Carnival of Evolution #5, is now up at The Other 95% The Carnival of the Liberals: Election Special! is HERE at the Lay Scientist. I shall note as well that the next edition of teh COL is here, on this blog (this one…