How To Be Stupid on Facebook

We're all stupid on facebook, but maybe this guy was extra stupid:

"A man on trial in New York for possession of a weapon has been acquitted after subpoenaing his arresting officer's Facebook and MySpace accounts. His defense: Officer Vaughan Ettienne's MySpace 'mood' was set to 'devious' on the day of the arrest, and one day a few weeks before the trial, his Facebook status read 'Vaughan is watching "Training Day" to brush up on proper police procedure.'

source: /.

I've noticed that many of my Facebook friends have the proverbial hazy picture of themselves getting sloshed on umbrella drinks in questionable company. This means, according to what I've heard, that their lives are ruined forever. Especially in this economy, what with the Bushession in full swing and all. Your employer is looking for any excuse to fire you.

What I think is this: We should all get pictures (faked, in most cases, of course) of ourselves with umbrella drinks in a questionable setting and post them on Facebook. To help our unfortunate friends.

What do you think?

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Sorry, I don't do umbrella drinks, but I'm willing to consider numerous pints of good ale.

Maybe you could Photoshop a little paper umbrella onto your two liter stein of beer. On second thought, that's a bad idea. Not only might you lose your job, you might also lose your drinking buddies. After all, who would want to be seen with someone who has a little paper umbrella on their stein of beer.

This never ever happened before EVIL TECHNOLOGY started RUINING PEOPLE'S LIVES.

Honestly, wtf is with all of this Internet hysteria? I'm sure there's someone somewhere still complaining about how impersonal telephone calls are.

STFU it's 2009.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

The internet just helps other people remember.