Video of our nearest living relatives having sex

Below the fold, of course.

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I feel violated.

By foolfodder (not verified) on 21 Mar 2009 #permalink

I was afraid it was going to be my parents..

By James Brennan (not verified) on 22 Mar 2009 #permalink

I missed the sex part. All I saw was a stinkhorn expanding. (not growing) Mushroom 'sex', if that is what it is, occurs in the mycelial stage. A mushroom is only a fruiting body, analogous to an apple.

By Blind Squirrel FCD (not verified) on 23 Mar 2009 #permalink

Isn't this stolen from "Planet Earth?"

By Alastair Frothergill (not verified) on 24 Mar 2009 #permalink

Not stolen ... just click back to YouTube and get the credits ... but yes, it is from Planet Earth.

LOL, I didn't realize I had such power.For a scientist, you seem adverse to information.

By Blind Squirrel… (not verified) on 25 Mar 2009 #permalink

For a commenter visiting someone's blog you seem like kind of an asshole. Are you really a Friend of Charles Darwin Troll????

Explain yourself.

Woaaaah apply the brakes, and check the rear and side-view mirrors. When people start bickering like this on most YouTube comments ("jessica alba is not hot you f*****g f*g you must be a f*g" "no you cuz you think carmen electra is hoter go back to you boyfriend sh*t", etc etc) I chalked it up to lay people being, well, dumb.

Clearly scientists can't resist a good anonymous round of rhetorical bickering, either.

Oh, and I had the same problem with the video as you, Blind Sqirrel (though I still liked watching it). ;)

By VInce Noir (not verified) on 25 Mar 2009 #permalink

My original comment was a simple, nonthreatening statement that there was no sex in the video. This has been seconded by a subsequent commenter. I am unable to comprehend the rancor of your replies.

The fungal pedants have arrived to ruin it for everyone.

That statement is grandiose. I do not have that power. You can not speak for everyone. That explains this comment

LOL, I didn't realize I had such power.


For a scientist, you seem adverse to information.

This is low grade sarcasm.(I think you caught that)

For a commenter visiting someone's blog you seem like kind of an asshole. Are you really a Friend of Charles Darwin Troll????

That sort of remark is entirely uncalled for and cannot help but to reflect on the person making it.I don't see how your attitude contributes to an environment where people feel free to contribute information freely to the enrichment of all. This is your goal isn't it?Oh,and I enjoyed the video.

By Blind Squirrel… (not verified) on 25 Mar 2009 #permalink

I think we have to ask the fungi that they think. Why do you insist, blind squirrel, that your heteronormative metazoan standards be applied to all organisms?

uncalled for and cannot help but to reflect on the person making it.

Right out of the Dictionary for Trolls.

No matter what, it is a great video.

I think we have to ask the fungi that they think. Why do you insist, blind squirrel, that your heteronormative metazoan standards be applied to all organisms?

Meaningless word salad. Now you are just laying smoke.

Right out of the Dictionary for Trolls.

It may be in the dictionary, but it is still accurate.

No matter what, it is a great video.

Greg, I like the video. All the posters here like the video. Gosh, we all think that it is the bestest video that was ever made.

By Blind Squirrel… (not verified) on 25 Mar 2009 #permalink

Admit it Greg, you only posted that so I would drop by and say hi.


Blind squirrel: I think you are conflating meiosis with sex. While meiosis, more specifically meiotic recombination may be the a hallmark of sex it is not in and of itself sex. The sperm I am currently making have undergone recombination, but alas I aint getting any. I am also aware of post-menopausal women who have significant amounts of sex, or does that not count?

Blind squirrel: I think you are conflating meiosis with sex.

No I'm not. How did you miss the scare quotes and the conditional clause? Here, I'll show you:

Mushroom 'sex', if that is what it is

Did you see any sex of any sort in the video? That was the point of my innocuous comment. What did you think of Greg's reaction to my comment?BTW, I'm not getting any either.

By Blind Squirrel… (not verified) on 26 Mar 2009 #permalink


Hold on one second there, friend...

Just so you know what you are arguing about (and you are the only one arguing): You said "For a scientist, you seem adverse to information." and I see that as trollish sentimentality. Concern troll, I believe, though I may have the taxonomy wrong. Thus, the slap up side the head. The pedant comment was simple healthy fungal humor.

OK, you may continue now.

If that was an attempt at humor, It missed me. I think it was the part about ruining it for everyone. It didn't sound very funny at the time, and it still doesn't. It sounds like someone ridiculing a person for being intelligent because they have been called on a mistake.

By Blind Squirrel… (not verified) on 26 Mar 2009 #permalink