The Reef Tank is an enterprise that supports and supplies salt water aquarists and supports the use of captive raised organisms and knowledge about ecosystems and conservation issues. From their site:
The Reef Tank is a unique bulletin board with a unique philosophy. Our mission is to provide a supportive, flame-free environment for beginning and experienced aquarists to share ideas, ask questions, and learn about the marine and reef keeping hobby. We also aim to educate ourselves and others about responsible animal husbandry, promoting captive-raised livestock and aquacultured corals when possible.
So, they have two missions: Helping people keep tanks in a responsible way and maintaining an on line community with no flaming. Relatively speaking, the first goal will probably be more easiliy met than the second!
The Reef Tank is here. You will find a number of interesting posts and reposts on the site in topics such as Ocean Acidification, Climate Change, Evolution, as well as interviews and biographical sketches of incredibly important bloggers and science communicators (example).
Go and visit but don't eat the fish!
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Good stuff!
Nice interview. :-)