Yeti Found, Verified

The authorities of the Russian town of Kemerovo arranged a special expedition to find the yeti habitat which was discovered by Google maps.

Recently there have been more than 20 claims from the local hunters who said they had seen strange creatures in the forests. These creatures resembled yeti. After the claims from the local hunters Kemerovo authorities decided to create the team of scientists for yeti searches.

The expedition turned to be successful. Scientists managed to find 'fresh' yeti footprints in the Azassky cave.

Scientists found two identical yeti footprints. One of them was left on the rock and it dates back 5,000 years ago, and the other footprint which was left not long ago was found at the bottom of the cave.

"They are absolutely identical. Five thousand years ago yetis settled down in this cave and now their descendants are still living here.

Source: Pravda

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It occurs to me that using Design Inference to conclude "A Magic Yeti Did It" would actually be significantly more meritorious than making ID's more traditional claims about a dinosaur.

"One of them was left on the rock"

and one of the researchers had something else on the rock..
happy april IDiot day

I'll wait until we see the body, frozen in ice in a freezer, for sale for 1,691,914.625 rubles (approx $50k US, assuming IRC).

I hate copycats.

It occurs to me that using Design Inference to conclude "A Magic Yeti Did It" would actually be significantly more meritorious than making ID's more traditional claims about a dinosaur.

The Hebrew word for Goliath actually translates to âmagic yeti with a fancy hatâ.

The Hebrew word for Goliath actually translates to âmagic yeti with a fancy hatâ.

Now you've done it: it's only a matter of time before science bloggers are bombarded with racist creationist emails about how the Yeti proves God's existence, and how they're an offshoot of Cain's curse, and closely related to the Jews. Or somesuch. (where I used to work) is a tabloid, or the Internet version thereof (it has no print version, so please people stop confusing it with the newspaper Pravda!). The reason it gets so much relative exposure in the angloverse is that it, unlike every serious Russian media outlet, has an English version.

By some guy in Russia (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink