I know exactly how Obama feels ...

President Mobotu Sese Seku, Kuku Kibombi, dictator of Zaire and arch typical fascist leader, once shoved a book in my hand, sort of like how Hugo Chavez shoved a book in Obama's hand. Republicans did not mock me as they are now mocking Obama, mainly because I was not President of the United States of America at the time. It was a little embarrassing, but I kept the book. It's called "Mobutu ... something something something." (I wonder if that is the same book Chavez gave to Obama? D'ya think?)

Anyway, the Yahoos are all over Obama because some drone paparazzi copped a photograph of Obama and The Enemy of The Free World shaking hands and looking happy. How dare he. End of the world, end of freedom, he's ruining it for everyone. No Republican Leader would ever do anything like that.



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Oh come on. Everyone knows there were no Real Republicans before Reagan. Those imposters in the pictures were just commie libruls masquerading as Republicans. I mean, look at the company they keep, fer cryin' out loud.

By mightybigcar (not verified) on 20 Apr 2009 #permalink

Greg, 3 points.

Airball, actually.

By Wayne Conrad (not verified) on 20 Apr 2009 #permalink

ah, the secret: write a book, become a dictator! thanx dewd!

Title: Ancient ARC Divers of Philisraelia
Author: mois

But did he autograph it for you?

Republicans have a very selective memory, don'tcha think?

And I once shook hands with Anastasio Somoza, president of Nicaragua. I must like right-wing totalitarians!

All I have to say is (despite my being an environmentalist and animal rights advocate), that's one seriously bad-ass coat Khrushchev's wearing.

Accompanying the photo of Ford and Brezhnev in Gerald R. Ford's life in photos at boston.com:

President Ford with Leonid Brezhnev in 1974 after the Soviet leader tried on Ford's fur coat in Vladivostov, just prior to the two leaders' formal meeting.

But in At Ease in the White House by Stephen Bauer, p. 164, we have:

The Russian leader, Leonid Brezhnev, had agreed with him wholeheartedly and was giving him a warm and smiling send-off at the airport. Ford had noticed that Brezhnev kept looking at his coat wistfully—an Alaskan wolf fur coat Ford had worn to fend off the severe Russian weather. President Ford simply took off his coat and presented it to Brezhnev as a farewell gift.

"Republicans have a very selective memory, don'tcha think?"

I think, if you look at it objectively, you'll find that selective memory is an attribute generally shared by the human race as a whole, but concentrated especially in politicians.

By Wayne Conrad (not verified) on 21 Apr 2009 #permalink

If I recall correctly, it is mainly the republicans that have the selective memory.

Let's not forget another handshake photo that got a bit of press just a few years ago: "Shaking Hands: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983." I think the press that it got was directly related to a perception of more selective memory on behalf of the Republicans at the time.

I thought this was going to be one of those "Separated at Birth?" things. Go ahead, look at the photographs again!