Psycho Anti Gay Creationist Gun Nut Republican Comes Back From the (Political) Grave

More proof that Republican = Loon. And I'm not talking about birds.

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Musgrave should be awarded "Biggest Fuckwad of the Year" award.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 15 May 2009 #permalink

56 to 44 doesn't sound like "lost badly".

51 to 49, "Lost kinda badly".

50 to 50, "Lost, but not too bad. Pretty bad though."

Welilllll. . . . . about all I can say to this is, if people like Musgrave are typical of the Rethuglican Party, it's no wonder they lost so badly. And will continue to lose, if they keep spewing out garbage like Musgrave's.
Anne G