The big news

So it came to pass that Amanda seemed to be somewhat ill .... nausea, tired for no reason, that sort of thing. About the same time both of us started to rearrange the furniture a lot and we were both gathering small sticks and pieces of moss and putting them in the bottom of the closet. Then the local dogs and cats started to act strangely when we would come in and out of the house. Eventually, we decided to go to the doctor and see what was going on.

And it turns out...

.... That Amanda is Pregnant!

According to the shaman with the little round dial at the health clinic, the due date is November 20th. Which, of course, is this crazy estimate they use which is almost always a week later than the actual delivery date (or a week earlier, I can't remember).

So ... it has been suggested that I not give too many details ... which I supposed is a good idea. But it is worth noting that we now have a new and exciting blogging topic! And thanks to all of you who have already sent your best wishes.

We are all excited about our new adventure.

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I'll let you decide whether to tell Amanda that my mother delivered each of her children four weeks after the due date.

Congratulations to the lot of you.

I was wondering why you were sporting brightly colored new plumage. I had no idea you were getting ready to distract predators from the nest. I actually had no idea that there was an actual nest being built.

Well, I'm going to assume that's genetic, and I'm not closely related to you! Not that I know of anyway...

Very exciting! Congratulations and best wishes.

Congrats! Being a November baby myself - I can say Whoo Hoo - best month of the year for a birthday.

So what are the ages of the mother & father?

hey, congratulations!

So what are the ages of the mother & father?

Wow. Kinda personal?

Congratulations to you both!

By John Moeller (not verified) on 18 May 2009 #permalink

Congratulations up and down. I strongly suggest you do not hold a blogospheric naming competition. If my students are any guide to current sensibilities, your child would never forgive you.

Enjoy; my one and only just turned nine, and other than holding my heart in his little hand, to caress or crush at his implacable will, it's been a fabulous ride. I wish the same for you.

Congratulations. You do realize that as soon as Amanda gives birth, you and Chad Orzel will formally be in competition on the baby picture front. Considering he's months ahead of you picturewise, you're going to have a lot of catching up to do. Just saying.

Congratulations! Looking forward to daily updates.

Congratulations. You do realize that as soon as Amanda gives birth, you and Chad Orzel will formally be in competition on the baby picture front. Considering he's months ahead of you picturewise, you're going to have a lot of catching up to do. Just saying.

Don't bother. Mine's cuter anyway.

au contraire Azkyroth - By the time Greg and Amanda's bundle of joy arrives, Chad's will be just too old to qualify for that special new baby cuteness :)

Congratulations Greg and Amanda

Congratulations! May all proceed well.

Congratulations! Your first? You're in for the ride of your life! If not your first, you already know that.

I've been surfing for hours, and this is the first post that made me smile tonight.

It's always excellent news to hear that intelligent folks have successfully spawned! Here's hoping that your larva develops nominally and within accepted parameters. :)

Congratulations to you both. Looking forward to hearing about the adventures you and the little whippersnapper go through.

Congratulations! Now the prophecy of the movie Idiocracy will be stayed for another generation (or is it being helped along? ;p)

Having 2 youngin's (2 and 3.5) have greatly changed my perspective on life, the universe and everything. Is this your 1st?

Congrats! Hope all progresses well.

AARRHHGG!! Panic and scream! Panic and scream! Panic and scream!!!

Errm, I mean congratulations. May wife be less nauseous with each passing day and her back pain free. May your next few months be conflict free and your skills at reading between the lines and getting Amanda exactly what she wants, rather than what she said she wants become solid.

May your newbie learn to sleep through the night rather soon out of the womb...


Congratulations Greg, Amanda, and Julia! Cheers to all of you!

By Monica W. (not verified) on 19 May 2009 #permalink

I echo the many congratulations! It's been 13 years from the last one, hmmm? Hope you remember how to change a nappy ;-) I was 11 years older than my little sister. It's an interesting relationship since we're practically in different generations.

Cheers to the whole family!

Congratulation and best wishes.
So now Master Storyteller will have a different audience to prepare stories for. All the best to you and your soulmate.

( and in our case, the birth was two weeks after the due date )

By Foei gras conn… (not verified) on 12 Jun 2009 #permalink