Are Japanese Scientists Making Frankenmonkeys?

From the BBC:

Genetically modified primates that glow green and pass the trait on to their offspring could aid the fight against human disease.

They will also be easier to find when they escape.

Though primates that make a glowing protein have been created before, these are the first to keep the change in their bloodlines.

Future modifications could lead to treatments for a range of diseases.

The "transgenic" marmosets, created by a Japanese team, have been described in the journal Nature.

This means the every generation, scientists can change the monkey more and more until they get .... potentially extreme results.

Do the Japanese scientists not watch their own movies????

Wow, what a trip. That is honestly the first time I've seen that since it first came out. I'm going to have to rent the DVD....


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Aren't they afraid they'll get Green Monkey disease?

It's the motherfucking anti-christ!!1!111!!!! Seriously!!!1!

Didn't you see my blog?!??! I wrote about this motherfucking glowing green marmoset from hell!!1!! The male who actually impregnated a lady marm who produced glowing offspring was called 666!!!111!!1

It also has mouseman slaves!!1!