The Cow Anthem ...

... is not entirely accurate scientifically, but it is very inspiring.

Hat tip: Miss Cellania

And while you are over at Miss Cellania's place, check out this scary video.

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"I am cow, hear me moo!" LOL

Maybe I missed it, but what part of that was "not entirely accurate scientifically"?

By Tom Coward (not verified) on 03 Jun 2009 #permalink

Well, they weight more than twice as much as you, and the connection between methane and ozone layer depletion is tenuous.

I love Carrot Juice is Murder. I reference it when my vegetarian friends suggest I'm somehow evil or wrong for consuming biomass that happened to at one point in its existence have locomotive abilities. Biomass is biomass, and you can't survive without consuming it. :)

Well Greg, there are probably some cows that weigh only twice as much as I, but I take your point about methane.

By Tom Coward (not verified) on 03 Jun 2009 #permalink

Everybody knows cows sing bass, though they have a pretty mean falsetto if riled up.