Canadian Milk Board: Bad but Funny Paleoanthropology

hat tip: Miss Cellania

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... is not entirely accurate scientifically, but it is very inspiring. Hat tip: Miss Cellania And while you are over at Miss Cellania's place, check out this scary video.
Hat Tip: Miss Cellania
hat tip: Miss Cellania

There's an archaeological dig near here. I wonder what the likelihood is that they'll turn up cans, bottles, and an icemaker.

I'm honestly impressed by the level of CGI in this ad campaign. Looks suspiciously like Blender, circa Big Buck Bunny.

These clips are cute and funny but why would anyone think these show good reasons to drink milk? These could be used just as easily to say buy Pontiacs of use Colgate.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 22 Jun 2009 #permalink

Bob - in each case (of the ones I've seen) the caveman comes to a sticky end because he's having a soft drink (Bur-ple).

By Richard Simons (not verified) on 22 Jun 2009 #permalink

I get that Richard, but it will not get people to drink milk instead.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 22 Jun 2009 #permalink