And now, for a musical interlude ...

More below the fold

Hat Tip James

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The same opening three notes are played on two different sets of keys by the two girls. Something seems amiss...

They're playing organ music on a (short) piano keyboard. Bach fugue or toccata, I think. Either way, I'm sure the software is making each key stand for several, so it sounds like nearly the same parts. I believe there's a one octave difference on the part of which you speak, but the additional tones make them sound closer together. And yes, the letters are the same for the first few - that's the point, to go different directions from the same beginning.

you mean "Toe-catta" and Fugue in D minor :)

I want to see somebody do Darkside by Tim Minchin.

By pixelsnake (not verified) on 07 Jun 2009 #permalink