Firefox add on for text editing

This could change your life. A little.


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You know, I think I could get used to this. Just installed the plugin, and editing comment using gedit now. I usually have a gedit session open for various reasons anyway, so this might come in quite handy.

It's all text is very useful (admittedly I use it on a mac with emacs not on linux).


Hmm... I dunno. Handy for doing proper editing, I guess. Syntax highlighting on HTML stuff. I'll try it the next time I write up a big post, though Wordpress' built-in TinyMCE is actually pretty good.

Handy, but not quite seamless with Twitter or In both cases it populates the textarea but doesn't seem to update the "number of characters remaining" until you click inside the box.

not to be too much of a downer, but I would prefer to continue using copy/paste when I want to type enough to want a real editor

By anonymous (not verified) on 18 Jun 2009 #permalink

OK, let's try this out on a Windoze machine. There's a little button and when I click on it (having set the preferences), Notepad++ comes up. Now to hit "save".

And now for an update. I'll hit "save" again.

Probably set it up with GEdit on my Ubuntu machines. Shiny!