Big Pharma, FDA, Science-based Medicine and Profit

Science-based medicine = Big Pharma? You hear it all the time from the peddlers of woo, but it's rare that they disclose their own profit motives.

Analyzed at Almost Diamonds

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I tell ya, I go away for a few days, let the blogging slow down, decrease the usual logorrhea. Heck, I even go for the lazy blogger trick of an open thread. In the meantime, while I was busy learning about real science at the 2010 AACR Meeting, the forces of pseudoscience have not been quiet. No,…
As a cancer surgeon, one aspect of the infiltration of quackademic medicine into academic medical centers that bothers me more than most others is how willingly academia has been to "integrate" quackery with science-based oncology to form the bastard stepchild known as "integrative oncology" that…
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Science based medicine is for pansies!!! Real Men(tm) don't need science to make them well - we know what works intuitively, without all those stoopid, expensive studies!!!

That's right DuWayne! *grunt, grunt*

As a matter of fact, I just burned myself on the exhaust manifold of my car, and when I got don with my work, I slathered it with some butter, 'cause we all know that's the best thing to do for a burn.