Unscientific America

Book note: I have received my copy of Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens our Future by Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum of The Intersection, and am now reading it for review. I am probably going to finish it this weekend, so you can expect something on Monday or Tuesday.

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Monday, January 26, ScienceBlogger Chris Mooney will be a guest on The Colbert Report, hosted by the one and only Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central. Mooney and Colbert will discuss Bush's "war on science" and how the Obama administration can change the scientific climate in America. Mooney is a…
In Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum's newly released book, Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens our Future, they roundly condemn ScienceBlogger PZ Myers and other "New Atheists" for their uncompromising stance against religion. When PZ, in return, posted a scathing review…
I receive a fair number of books to review each month, so I thought I should do what several magazines and other publications do; list those books that have arrived in my mailbox so you know that this is the pool of books from which I will be reading and reviewing on my blog. Cold: Adventures…
Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum have released a new book entitled, Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future. Mr Mooney and Ms Kirshenbaum also co-author the blog, The Intersection, a Discover Magazine online. I was fortunate to receive a review copy from the…

I don't suppose you'd be willing to post your copy around for some more reviews around the blogosphere, would you? Dan J is slavering at the bit, you see... and I might be willing to pay the shipping fees just to see what he writes.

Jason: Unfortunately, I don't see that happening as I expect to be referring to this text in minute detail again and again as the Giant Rift in the Internet seismically shifts back and forth.

I look forward to your take. From reading other reviews I think it starts with a faulty premise, but not having read the book I can't say authoratively.

Greg: The Giant Rift is not in the entire Internet. The porn parts (those ARE the largest) and the video and audio parts are doing just fine.

I await your review with baited breath. I know you will be fair and impartial, yet zeroing in on the heart of the issue.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 09 Jul 2009 #permalink

Jason @6:

I did go to the dentist t have a tooth pulled this week, but he doesn't use worms - it was tied flies.

There seems little guidance in contemporary texts. Search in Google and you'll find about the same number of hits for 'baited breath' as 'bated breath' - around 100,000 each.

but what is bated? From Merriam-Webster:

Middle English, short for abaten to abate
Date: 14th century

transitive verb
1: to reduce the force or intensity of : restrain
2: to take away : deduct
3archaic: to lower especially in amount or estimation
4archaic: blunt

intransitive verb
obsolete : diminish, decrease

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 09 Jul 2009 #permalink

Yes, it's true: I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this book in order to provide a review. The comments on a couple threads about it are already priceless!

I do promise to be fair and honest in my appraisal of the book. I do not promise that my language will meet with anyone's approval except DuWayne's.

Don't hold your breath... :) I am currently rewriting my Appeasement vs. New Atheist post for tomorrow. Then I will go fishing again. Then I'll read the second third of the book and write up part one of my Ghost Story post. Then I'll go fishing again. And so on.

This is going to take a few days.

I am actually still reeling (realing) from having spent a weekend with the Skepchicks.

Yes, the bated/baited error crops up quite often, as the term "bated" isn't in general use by itself. In this usage it basically means that you're holding your breath.

The Appeasement vs New Atheists thing is something I intend to write on very shortly myself -- because this "rift" (and the first "civility" post by Mooney specifically) actually served to crystallize my opinion that a) "new atheists" is a semantics game to give a new name to people who think the same as all other atheists only aren't content to sit down and shut up about them, and b) that the religious aren't about to sit down and shut up about their side of the argument so appeasement is tantamount to ceding any ground science has won since the Dark Ages.

Say a girl was interested in observing this epic debate, where would said girl start looking? Anyone want to give me link for place to start?

I think the "accommodation" tag on my blog is going to get worn out. I have so much I want to say about it, and so many bad words to use!

Kammy, ERV has a hilarious summary of this round. The accommodation tag at Dan's blog has some good summary and commentary and a bunch of links to the more general discussion that's been going on lately.

Oh, and PZ has a brand new post at Pharyngula on the topic.

Kammy -- this is the post by Mooney that really kicked this whole thing off. Keep in mind that this is basically a pre-book trial balloon for Mooney's assault on those atheists that dare to suggest that religion is actually incompatible with science. His book, while arguing that science needs to be at the forefront, holds as one of its tenets that we should be doing what we can to mollycoddle the religious so as not to alienate them. Only, not phrased the way I just did.

I'm presently working my way through PZ's book review and Mooney's "reply" comment which he links halfway down in the comments (not going to link it too, as then I'll get caught in the ScienceBlogs spam filter).

There's lots of stuff on the blogosphere related to this civility meme, but my favorite stuff comes from DanJ and DuWayne Brayton.

I just came back from reading PZ's post and damn if I don't feel like running out in the street, pumping my fists and shouting Fuck YEAH!!! And now I shall decorously take my leave for some span of time as I dive into the links so kindly provided by you fine folks. But first I shall mix up a pomegranate martini with vanilla vodka. I'm happy to share... :)

The links cited above are great. However, I want to point out that this debate, and the use of the term "accomodationist" or "Appeaser" goes back two years earlier on the internet and was very much part of the framing debate (check my archive page and look for "framing science" and look on gregladen.com for "framing" as well)

Well, the debate is probably older than that even but I don't think much of what has been said since February is new, just restated (and often better stated).

I've decided to put my post up now. It will be up in a few minutes.

Oh, and you'll also want to read my other post on "Someone has been wrong on The Internet all year" (which was just posted).