Al Franken's Sotomayor Remarks

Al's First Big Thingie:


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If you haven't been following the Al Franken/Norm Coleman race for US Senate, do yourself a favor and check out some of Al's ads here. I really enjoy their style: direct, informative, and with a twist of humor. Having read several of Al's books, I think he would make a great senator.

This is a surprisingly poor presentation. Maybe he was nervous.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 14 Jul 2009 #permalink

The Mn. Democratic caucus is an insult to common sense, Franken will prove that.

By dom mehus (not verified) on 14 Jul 2009 #permalink

Dom: Would you prefer to have chosen our senator for us? Oh, actually, you don't get to do that, it turns out.

Ever notice that right-wingers define "common sense" as "that which agrees with our philosophies"? Frankly, since you're out of power, it would appear that "common" sense is swinging back toward reality, as "common" implies "prevalent". Just saying.

Then common sense, if that is what is prevelant, means that there are a bunch of whiners who think their every little whim should be paid for by the government instead of getting off their butts and working for it.

Then common sense, if that is what is prevelant, means that there are a bunch of whiners who think their every little whim should be paid for by the government instead of getting off their butts and working for it.

PADF, what whims? You mean things like having health insurance so you or your kid can get the treatment you need and you can get back to work?

Strangely, I am Canadian, have health care paid for entirely by the government, am in good health, would not have to save up to have a baby, and I am fully employed and happy to give up what tiny bit more in taxes I do to have this safety net to catch me should I ever get unhealthy or decide to procreate. Additionally, unemployment is at an extraordinary high of 8.6% here, whereas in the States it's due to top 10%.

Follow our socialist, loony-left-wing, society-ending example! Join the lines for toilet paper! Put a government bureaucrat between you and your health care! Destroy the sanctity of marriage! Trust me, you'll be much happier for it!

But Jason: You have to wait in line for TWENTY DAYS to buy ONE ASPRIN!!!!

And that, Stephanie, is why we have to fucking INVADE!!!!!11!!1

(But not from a super secret base at the bottom of Lake Superior - as in Superior to fucking Canadia)

I may be alone on this; however, I did not find his presentation bad at all. In fact, I thought it was rather good; well thought through, honest, and informative. His delivery could have been a little better, but I chalk that up to nerves.

Perhaps with only a few days in office we should give him a little break.

ken: Yea, and the fact that until just a few days ago he was not involved in the process at all, but everyone else in the room has been for weeks.

And another thing! How may years in any kind of elected office is the next least experienced person in that room. 10 years? 15 years?

I didn't think he was terribly impressive, but I also totally accept that he's also not a professional politician and has, in fact, spent most of his career as a general comedian and later political humorist.

It actually seemed rather obvious to me, that he was working very hard at engaging on a level of reserve that he simply isn't used to. With that in mind, I actually think he carried himself very well. No actual stumbles, the only problem I had was that he was trying too hard to be deferential. But all in all, he did better than a lot of people who have spent exponentially more time as pro-politicos.