Michele Bachmann Out-Foxed?

Hmmmm. If you listen to the Fox people ... the details ... they actually do a pretty good job of making Michele Bachmann look foolish. But they are very excited to have her on the show.

Here are the FOX digs that I noticed:

  • Isn't your claim about "Obama counties" getting more money bogus? (Answer .... evade! evade! evade!)
  • Only 10% of stimulus "3.0" is out on the street so how do you really know how it will work? Now tell us how it won't work.
  • Snarking out on "faith based."
  • Tell us how it really works with Acorn... (answer: Well, not really an issue there if you look like facts but I'll keep lying about it anyway)
  • Your idea of auditing the Fed will ruin everything. (Answer: Whoa... hard to characterize how dumb that was.)

Did I miss anything?

(Hat tip DMB)

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By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 15 Jul 2009 #permalink

they actually do a pretty good job of making Michele Bachmann look foolish

I don't think she needs any help with that.