The Family (The Book)

I have too many books to read in too little time but I'm making a push. And I've just added to the list one entitled The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.

Yes, yes, I know, everyone else on the planet has already read this and knows about it and since the book was published a very very long time ago (late 2008?) it does not deserve to be discussed in the blogosphere.

But it is relevant as news because of the connection between various nefarious players who have done recent stupid stuff and the organization outlined in the book.

I'm especially looking foward to the author's discussion of the 18th century preacher Johathan Edwards, which I understand to be absolutely scandalous and novel. Maybe too novel. Maybe not.

Most likely, though many of you have already read this book and have much more to say about it than I do, so please ... do so.


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No, I haven't read the book, but I heard that Hillary Clinton was in some sense, perhaps loosely, affiliated with The Family (how ironic!)
See this thread: Hillary's 15-year membership in The Family.

I hope her better judgment prevails.

BTW Greg, must be tough being named "Laden" - sorry to have that said for the 1, time, it just caught my eye.