Funny new ads on Science Blogs

First it was woo. Then it was Russian Brides. And now.....

This funny ad from yesterday:


And this one staring at me right now:

More like this

Most of the time that you hear a Sbling mention the ads on we're whinging about one thing or another. Russian brides here, woo and snake oil there. You know the routine. So, I thought I'd note that we currently seem to be running an ad staring Jennifer Lopez encouraging you to…
As I noted several days ago, a temporary change in policy has brought ads for "Mail Order Russian Brides" as well as a number of other ... interesting ... products to the ad spaces on Since I pointed this out, other Scienceblog bloggers have apparently noticed it as well and…
If you've seen this post over at Isis's place, you have already read this: A few minutes ago I received this email from the Overlords: Hi Isis, As far as I can tell they finally corrected it- they halted all ads from that network. I haven't seen any bad ads last night or this morning andfriends…
Due to our incredibly crappy economy, there has been a change in the advertising policies at ScienceBlogs recently. Which leads me to ask, what do you think of those Russian Brides ads that are popping up here recently? I ask because I think they are incredibly tacky, offensively sexist and worse,…

Aimed right at the heart of the beast....

When I have the misfortune of having to surf SB from work on IE, I get wonderful ads offering me "single christian girls in my area" and the like, it is quite bizarre.

By Rorschach (not verified) on 31 Aug 2009 #permalink

I for one, cannot help but absolutely adore these new ads. Let the fuckers throw away their money - better waste it here, than somewhere they will actually suck people in...

I have the feeling these will make for some fun reading...

Why the DNA structure points to God...

They really don't get it, do they?

DNA in our cells is very similar to an intricate computer program. In the photo on the left, you see that a computer program is made up of a series of ones and zeros (called binary code). The sequencing and ordering of these ones and zeros is what makes the computer program work properly.

This is what I like to call "overextending the metaphor" or "mixing reality with cognitive bias"

I bet they try to sell ice cubes to Eskimos also.

Life can be more stupid that fiction.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 31 Aug 2009 #permalink

Of course it would be unethical of anyone to suggest that we click on these ads, resulting in direct costs to the advertisers...

Michael: I officially encourage you to click on the ads. I assume that my readers do not have preconcieved notions of what these ads have to offer. I assume my readers will, if they happen to have the time and a bit of curiosity, visit the sites to which the ads point and see what they have to offer. If there is some worthwhile product, you'll consider buying it, it is some worthwhile cause, you'll consider joining.

Go have a look, it may be something that changes your life! By all means! Those of you with ad block software should turn it off and have a look.

Go have a look, it may be something that changes your life!

Seriously Greg, if I was lusting after single christian girls I would just go to church !

By Rorschach (not verified) on 31 Aug 2009 #permalink

Is DNA 'God'?

Mike, God doesn't know English, Greek, German, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, Swedish, Farsi...

He only knows DNA and Hebrew...

Horowitz is God?