A woman in the Sudan has done the absolutely worst thing a woman can do.

She wore pants.

A Sudanese woman has been jailed for a month after refusing to pay a fine for "dressing indecently" by wearing trousers, her lawyers say.

Lubna Ahmed Hussein did not want to "give the verdict any legitimacy" by paying the fine of about $200 (£122), her lawyer, Nabil Adib, told the BBC.

Ms Hussein, a journalist in her 30s, could have been given up to 40 lashes.

Before the verdict, she had said she wanted her trial to become a test case for women's rights, correspondents say.

Ms Hussein had resigned from her job at the UN, which would have given her immunity.

More here.


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Good thing she isn't a plumber too or they'd have executed her on the spot.

I saw a woman with a man who I guess was her husband and they had a young child.

He wore casual pants and polo knit shirt. She had tight pants with a translucent embroidered knee length tunic. She had a headscarf which almost covered her hair and some makeup. High heeled sandals, oh yes.

The tunic outlined her breasts and hips provocatively.

She was quite attractive, but as for Islamic modesty she was FAIL. Actually, because I think she was hijabi, she was double attractive.

Yes, I am dirty old man; sue me.

By ThirtyFiveUp (not verified) on 08 Sep 2009 #permalink

her actions have sparked all sorts of debates lately, generally laced liberally with misplaced chivalry of the interventionist kind.

I do wish we as a culture could stop trying to be the hero on the white stallionU.S. Tank who rides into the layerinvades other coutries, slays the dragonEvil Furrigners and rescues the damsel in distress.

there are so much more effective ways to try to help. but they appeal a lot less to the convenient b/w, hollywood-ized way of thinking.

By Jadehawk, OM (not verified) on 08 Sep 2009 #permalink

fascinating. complete HTML fail.

comment, take two (this time with preview):

her actions have sparked all sorts of debates lately, generally laced liberally with misplaced chivalry of the interventionist kind.

I do wish we as a culture could stop trying to be the hero on the white stallionU.S. Tank who rides into the layerinvades other countries, slays the dragonEvil Furrigners and rescues the damsel in distress.

there are so much more effective ways to try to help. but they appeal a lot less to the convenient b/w, hollywood-ized way of thinking.