Atheists are Idiots

Steve Harvey is cool with me being an idiot. And you too, likely (being an idiot that is).

What I want to know is this: If there are so many smart people in this world, why are there still Steve Harvey??????

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Really, he pulled the "If we evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys" argument?! Yeah, I guess I'm an idiot then.

I wonder where that puts him on the intellectual spectrum.

You know that slimy film that develops on the inside of a showerhead (recently found to be full of nasty bacteria)? That's at about his level, I'm thinking.

Stupid bigots need to be put in their damn place.

'Moral barometer'? He thinks ethics is a matter of pressure?

Is he too dumb to know the expression is 'moral compass'? Or just lazy?

This guy is one of the biggest morons I have seen.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

@jj Yeah, because there's only one kind of monkey so it's impossible for one species to evolve differently from another species. Geez...get it straight.

'Moral barometer'? He thinks ethics is a matter of pressure?

If he believes that morals come from the biblical gÃd, then yes. Behaving morally is a matter of pressure. And just imagine what happens if that pressure is lifted: orgies and killing sprees.

Stupid bigots need to be put in their damn place.

And so do spigots. Or at least they must be kept clean of biofilms. ;-)

We may be idiots, but at least we know what we don't know.

By Catharine (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

I think anyone who can't tell the difference between a monkey and an ape is an idiot. Not that we evolved 'from' either.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

at least we know what we don't know.

Oh, I like that!

I'll bet Steve doesn't believe in a teapot orbiting Venus, either. What an idiot.

Catherine 10 We may be idiots, but at least we know what we don't know.

But then how would we know then?

Wow, haven't seen this guy since The Steve Harvey Show on the old WB channel when I was in my early teens... brings back good memories. Too bad he's acting like an idiot now.

By Harry Bosch (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

The guy is an idiot.

We're idiots?
See, now... all this time, I thought we were fools.

But, I'm an idiot, so what do I know?

By kittywhumpus (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

Steve Who? And why should I care what he ... do I dare use the word here for what's happening in his head ... thinks?

By Carl Buell (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

I can't figure out why people need a barometer to know it's raining.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

"...because if you don't believe in god, then where's your moral barometer..."
Right. Because believing in god has actually increased the moral level of human beings. Well, there was that Crusade's thing. And the Inquisition. Salem witch hunts. Slavery in the southern U.S. The Gaza Strip. Oh, yea, and that World Trade Center disaster. But these were only, minor instances...Nothing to see here folks...please return to your bibles, qur'ans, toras, etc...

By Anonymous (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

S.Harvey certainly put me in my place. I am glad we have intellectuals like him, Ham and Parsley to lead the way to profound thought.

Why are those idiots given a podium to speak on CNN?

By JefFlyingV (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

It's always so disheartening to see individuals who are members of historically oppressed groups being bigoted.

As for Mr. Harvey's embarrassingly deep scientific illiteracy:

If God made man out of dirt, why is there still dirt?

Methinks the dictionary has a new illustration under the entry oblivious asshat.

It's Larry King Live, when was the last time anything but verbal diarrhea went out on the air from that show.

By Robert S. (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink

Really, he pulled the "If we evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys" argument?! Yeah, I guess I'm an idiot then.

Well, he's not evolved from a monkey. From a slime mold perhaps. Recently. Badly.

Yuri you don't understand the gravity of what your saying. I am Christian as well as you but you and Steve Harvey are going about this completely wrong. We should spread the good news with love, not insults. When we try to mock Atheist beliefs we only create a case against ourselves. We come off as rude, arrogant and close-minded, and when we come off as idiots it seems like we believe on blind faith. The Bible doesn't tell us to do that. Furthermore, Jesus loved Atheist just as much as Christians, so don't be a jerk to Atheist, evangelize with love. As for all the evil things done by followers of God in the past, well, I cannot defend them. My Christian brethren have done foolish things, misinterpreting the bible and becoming the very things they should avoid. True Christian should be like Jesus Christ. Jesus was a radical, but not a radical of violence, but of love.
Also, I would like to point out that evolution and God can coexist. The seven days God took to create the Earth could have been millions of years in out eyes. Just read 2 Peter 3:8-9 or Psalms 90:4. I do not think Atheist are stupid , maybe misguided, but certainly not stupid. I can not blame them for not relying on blind faith, but a suggest that they at least try to take a look at the Bible with and unbiased mind. Search the contradictions you think the Bible contains and you will see that it doesn't contain any. Confusing metaphors, yes, but not contradictions. Just look at Proverbs 26:4 and 26:5. The verses are right next to each other and directly contradict, yet they have a pseudo-obvious meaning. This shows that while the Bible may seem to contradict at first glance, it is actually a truly profound book. I also ask that you search the aspects of the Bible that you find immoral, because under further inspection, it can be seen that they are actually in place to help people. For example, God did not command his people to rape women, he said that if a married women is raped the rapist is to be stoned, and if a virgin is raped the rapist must pay a fine and must be permanently married to the women. First off, this command is given in the Old Testament, thousand of years ago in a different culture BEFORE Jesus came to forgive sin. Secondly, the raped women would likely never find a husband and therefor wouldn't be able to support herself, she had to be married to survive, this is likely why a married women didn't have to marry the rapist. It may sound cruel, but it was for the protection of the women. And if the rapist continued to commit evil towards the women there were likely laws to punish him and prevent him from doing so.

By unanimous (not verified) on 29 Apr 2012 #permalink

for the protection of the women.

This is why I think christians and christ (pretending for a second that he is real) are immoral monsters.

By Drivebyposter (not verified) on 29 Apr 2012 #permalink

unanimous, one way to consider this is that, if the bible is true, why did that god create a universe that looked so different?

If your faith in God is not shaken by finding a book saying it's the word of god being wrong, then there is no reason to find it disturbing. All you need to do is say "God shows me a world that looks like this. He must have a reason. I will find out what it is he wants to teach me by this".

Wow, I'm not sure what you are trying to say? And Drivebyposter, if i may be so bold, what would you suggest the women did? Now in God's ideal world a man would still love and could marry a women who was raped, bu humans are fickle and didn't always do the ideal thing. Also, let us not forget that Jesus preached morality over law, if a women wished to not be married at all, then, foolish or not, i would think Jesus would allow it. As two why women were treated lesser to men, well it starts back in Eden. After Adam and Eve sinned, men were punished with hard labor and war, women were punished with painful pregnancy and inferiority. Why would a loving God punish his creation? Because it taught good character and morality, God's punishments essentially limit the evil in the world by teaching us morals. And why does evil exist? Because a good God would allow free will. With this free will comes the price of sin, but that is our choice, not God's, God simply gave us a chance to be free. For God is not the Lord of oppression, but freedom.

By unanimous (not verified) on 02 May 2012 #permalink

And seriously? A morally barometer? *sighssss*

By unanimous (not verified) on 02 May 2012 #permalink

"I'm not sure what you are trying to say?"

That would be a statement, not a question, hence the question mark (hint for you) isn't needed.

Why did God, if he inspired someone with a beard you can camp in to write it, tell someone that he created the world in six days, bats were birds, he created plants before stars, earth before anything else and so on, and then make a world that looks so very different?

If you wish to believe in God, then believe in God making the world as it appears. Not as some book says it was done.

If you *really have* to make the book true, then why did he paper over his creation to make it appear other than the "true story" of how he did it? He MUST have done that for a reason. And if you are a TRUE believer, your entire efforts should go to finding out what you are meant to learn from those two facts.

1) Bible says world created $WAY_ONE
2) God makes the world look like it was created $WAY_TWO

"For God is not the Lord of oppression, but freedom."


Have you read what a monumental hissy fit God threw when Adam and Eve disobeyed his request?

He not only punished them, but EVERY SINGLE ONE of their descendants.

For disobeying him.

You're free to obey him or be punished eternally.

Doesn't sound like any form of freedom I would recognise as such.

Science does not contradict God, it expand the image of his greatness. Perhaps God created such and empty universe to show us what creation is without his touch. The reality of a universe that is different from Earth does not contradict the Bible in any way that I can see, feel free to elaborate further though.

I must also disagree on God not offering a form of freedom. Could you not go out and commit any number of morbid crimes? God is simply delivering justice for one's abuse of freedom.

Why did God punish everyone for Adam and Eve's sin? Well this guy explains it better: "We are not being 'punished' for what Adam and Eve did, but are suffering the natural effects of their selfish choices.
At Genesis 2:15-17, the Bible tells us that God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in perfect condition, with clear direction and only one restriction. They were to:
-Cultivate and care for the garden (Genesis 2:15)
-Eat vegetation and any fruit that grew on the trees (Genesis 1:29)
-Fill the earth with humans (Genesis 1:28)
-NOT eat from only ONE specific tree (Genesis 2:16+17)
This restriction had a purpose.
Humans were created to be in subjection to God and look to him for direction(Jeremiah 10:23). The "Tree of Knowledge" represented God's sovereignty (his RIGHT to make the rules for his creation for their own good). Having it in the middle of the Garden was:
-a reminder of his rulership
-constant assurance of God's love and care for his creation and
-a way for mankind to say 'thankyou' to their creator, for all he'd given them, by giving to God something that he didn't automatically have...their obedience. (Micah 6:8)(Matthew 7:21).
When Adam and Eve ate from that ONE restricted tree, they were actually rejecting God's rulership, in favor of what they thought was their OWN. Satan had promised them that if they ate from this tree, they would benefit from deciding right and wrong for themselves(Genesis 3:1-6). This was a lie, as mankind was never created to live independently of God. Adam and Eve's disobedience, took away their perfection, their everlasting life in their earthly paradise home(Genesis 1:28), and basically switched their allegiance from the Creator, to Satan(Romans 6:16), to whom they were now listening(John 8:44). In so doing, 'imperfection' eventually caused Adam to die (Genesis 5:5), and was introduced into all his human descendants causing sickness and death and all the problems we face today(Genesis 3:17-19)(Romans 5:12). Sin causes death, and all the suffering related to our inherited imperfection (James 1:14+15) (Romans 6:23) and was passed on naturally because you can't get something clean from something Unclean(Job 14:4). God IS forgiving, but still expects obedience to his laws. He understands the situation and has arranged a way for us to regain our perfection and have the opportunity to reclaim our everlasting life on earth (Matthew 5:5/Psalm 37:10,11,29)(Genesis 3:15/John 13:35) if we do what Adam and Eve did not; that is: be OBEDIENT to God in all things (Matthew 7:21-23)(1 Samuel 15:22). Though experiencing the terrible result of sin on the human family, we have the opportunity to show our loyalty to God by our obedience to his commands, and the ones who endure faithfully TO THE END will be saved (Matthew 24:13) and regain what was lost(Isaiah 45:18/55:11)."

By Unanimous (not verified) on 05 May 2012 #permalink

Perhaps God created such an empty universe to show us what creation is without his touch. I don't see how the reality the we live in a largely empty universe that is very different from Earth contradicts the Bible, but feel free to further elaborate.

By Unanimous (not verified) on 05 May 2012 #permalink

As for God punishing everyone for Adam and Eve's sin, well, this guy explains it better: We are not being 'punished' for what Adam and Eve did, but are suffering the natural effects of their selfish choices.
At Genesis 2:15-17, the Bible tells us that God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in perfect condition, with clear direction and only one restriction. They were to:
-Cultivate and care for the garden (Genesis 2:15)
-Eat vegetation and any fruit that grew on the trees (Genesis 1:29)
-Fill the earth with humans (Genesis 1:28)
-NOT eat from only ONE specific tree (Genesis 2:16+17)
This restriction had a purpose.
Humans were created to be in subjection to God and look to him for direction(Jeremiah 10:23). The "Tree of Knowledge" represented God's sovereignty (his RIGHT to make the rules for his creation for their own good). Having it in the middle of the Garden was:
-a reminder of his rulership
-constant assurance of God's love and care for his creation and
-a way for mankind to say 'thankyou' to their creator, for all he'd given them, by giving to God something that he didn't automatically have...their obedience. (Micah 6:8)(Matthew 7:21).
When Adam and Eve ate from that ONE restricted tree, they were actually rejecting God's rulership, in favor of what they thought was their OWN. Satan had promised them that if they ate from this tree, they would benefit from deciding right and wrong for themselves(Genesis 3:1-6). This was a lie, as mankind was never created to live independently of God. Adam and Eve's disobedience, took away their perfection, their everlasting life in their earthly paradise home(Genesis 1:28), and basically switched their allegiance from the Creator, to Satan(Romans 6:16), to whom they were now listening(John 8:44). In so doing, 'imperfection' eventually caused Adam to die (Genesis 5:5), and was introduced into all his human descendants causing sickness and death and all the problems we face today(Genesis 3:17-19)(Romans 5:12). Sin causes death, and all the suffering related to our inherited imperfection (James 1:14+15) (Romans 6:23) and was passed on naturally because you can't get something clean from something Unclean(Job 14:4). God IS forgiving, but still expects obedience to his laws. He understands the situation and has arranged a way for us to regain our perfection and have the opportunity to reclaim our everlasting life on earth (Matthew 5:5/Psalm 37:10,11,29)(Genesis 3:15/John 13:35) if we do what Adam and Eve did not; that is: be OBEDIENT to God in all things (Matthew 7:21-23)(1 Samuel 15:22). Though experiencing the terrible result of sin on the human family, we have the opportunity to show our loyalty to God by our obedience to his commands, and the ones who endure faithfully TO THE END will be saved (Matthew 24:13) and regain what was lost(Isaiah 45:18/55:11).

By Unanimous (not verified) on 05 May 2012 #permalink

Sorry if I'm posting things multiple times, I'm having computer troubles. But as to why God punished everyone for Adam and Eve's sin, look at this: We are not being 'punished' for what Adam and Eve did, but are suffering the natural effects of their selfish choices.
At Genesis 2:15-17, the Bible tells us that God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in perfect condition, with clear direction and only one restriction. They were to:
-Cultivate and care for the garden (Genesis 2:15)
-Eat vegetation and any fruit that grew on the trees (Genesis 1:29)
-Fill the earth with humans (Genesis 1:28)
-NOT eat from only ONE specific tree (Genesis 2:16+17)
This restriction had a purpose.
Humans were created to be in subjection to God and look to him for direction(Jeremiah 10:23). The "Tree of Knowledge" represented God's sovereignty (his RIGHT to make the rules for his creation for their own good). Having it in the middle of the Garden was:
-a reminder of his rulership
-constant assurance of God's love and care for his creation and
-a way for mankind to say 'thankyou' to their creator, for all he'd given them, by giving to God something that he didn't automatically have...their obedience. (Micah 6:8)(Matthew 7:21).

Read more:'s_sin_6000_y…

By Unanimous (not verified) on 05 May 2012 #permalink

When Adam and Eve ate from that ONE restricted tree, they were actually rejecting God's rulership, in favor of what they thought was their OWN. Satan had promised them that if they ate from this tree, they would benefit from deciding right and wrong for themselves(Genesis 3:1-6). This was a lie, as mankind was never created to live independently of God. Adam and Eve's disobedience, took away their perfection, their everlasting life in their earthly paradise home(Genesis 1:28), and basically switched their allegiance from the Creator, to Satan(Romans 6:16), to whom they were now listening(John 8:44).

By Unanimous (not verified) on 05 May 2012 #permalink

In so doing, 'imperfection' eventually caused Adam to die (Genesis 5:5), and was introduced into all his human descendants causing sickness and death and all the problems we face today(Genesis 3:17-19)(Romans 5:12). Sin causes death, and all the suffering related to our inherited imperfection (James 1:14+15) (Romans 6:23) and was passed on naturally because you can't get something clean from something Unclean(Job 14:4).

By Unannimous (not verified) on 05 May 2012 #permalink

God IS forgiving, but still expects obedience to his laws. He understands the situation and has arranged a way for us to regain our perfection and have the opportunity to reclaim our everlasting life on earth (Matthew 5:5/Psalm 37:10,11,29)(Genesis 3:15/John 13:35) if we do what Adam and Eve did not; that is: be OBEDIENT to God in all things (Matthew 7:21-23)(1 Samuel 15:22).

By Unanimous (not verified) on 05 May 2012 #permalink


We are not being 'punished' for what Adam and Eve did

Particularly true given that both Adam and Eve were metaphorical and not real, actual, living persons.

Unannimous: "Sorry if I'm posting things multiple times, I'm having computer troubles."

You should try praying over that computer. Maybe God will heal it for you? I know; it *sounds* nutty! But give it a try - I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Sorry for spamming all you guys haha. Greg, if you have a intelligent argument to give I will listen, but please do not verbally lambast me. You gain nothing from doing that except further supporting the Bible: "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."-2 Timothy 3:12
And care to explain NJ?

By Unanimous (not verified) on 05 May 2012 #permalink

Unanimous @44--

Word to the wise, kiddo-- if you want to impress people with the excellence of your brand of Christianity, calling yourself persecuted when somebody says something mildly snarky to you on a blog is exactly the wrong way to go about it. You ended up looking spoiled, pompous, and, may I say, *sinfully* indifferent to the suffering of others.

Before you pull out the persecution line again, I would strongly suggest you read up on the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre and the Cathare Crusade. Those were True Christians who really were being persecuted (and, of course, also True Christians doing the persecuting.)

By hoary puccoon (not verified) on 06 May 2012 #permalink


And care to explain NJ?

Sure thing.

Adam. Mythical 1st human male. Story in Genesis developed/adapted from early cultural myths of assortment of Near East hunter-gatherer tribes. Concept inconsistent with current state of knowledge about the evolution of humans.

Eve. Mythical 1st human female. Ibid.

To extend point...

Garden of Eden, Noachian flood, Tower of Babel, etc. Aspects of stories in Genesis developed/adapted from early cultural myths of assortment of Near East hunter-gatherer tribes. Concepts inconsistent with current state of knowledge about the evolution of language, of geography and geology.

We can go on like this for as long as you need.

Note that these observations are not about the existence or lack thereof of any types of deities whatsoever; it is only the literal reading of Genesis which cannot be reconciled with our current knowledge that I am discussing here.

I never tried to get anyone to pity me, what was said was certainly mild and did not actually bother me much at all. However, how dare anyone complain about what Steve Harvey says about Atheist when they will be just as rude to Christians. I am not condoning what Harvey did, our basis for our beliefs shouldn't be something as trivial as "Everyone else is who isn't (insert belief here) is stupid and is a horrible person so therefor my belief must be right." In all honesty, all beliefs about how the world began sound crazy so we shouldn't dismiss a belief simply because it "makes no sense" at first glance. Also, you can't justify saying mean things to Christians under the notion that there "Funny and cause to physical harm so their not persecution." Every ill word spoken against something is persecution against it. Is it a massacre? no. But it is still persecution.

And NJ, as I have previously stated, evolution and God (and everything in the bible) can coexist. Furthermore What we "know today" often changes tomorrow. The theories the science scoffs at one day become widely accepted as true the next. NJ, can you give me an EXACT example of when science has disproved Genesis (no big bang theory, lets try using a little originality.)

By Unanimous (not verified) on 07 May 2012 #permalink


The theories the science scoffs at one day become widely accepted as true the next.

Correct - for an exceedingly small set of ideas. But the majority of ideas fall by the wayside, leaving the best ones standing. The Sagan quote about Bozo is particularly relevant here.

NJ, can you give me an EXACT example of when science has disproved Genesis

No evidence supporting a global flood. Lots of evidence that the early Hebrew tribes co-opted the pre-existing story of Gilgamesh.

No evidence Universe created in six calendar days as described in Genesis. Lots of evidence for 4.5 byo Earth and 13.75 byo Universe (no day-age claims, lets try using a little originality.)

According to Robert Graves, in "The Greek Myths," the story of Adam and Eve appears to be an oral history of a particular, widespread cult of goddess-worshipping priestesses. The cult definitely existed; it survived hundreds of years into historic times (in a very male-dominated form) at Delphi, Greece.

The oracle at Delphi, who was always a woman, was known as the Pythoness. This was a reference to the early practice of the cult, when the priestesses claimed to get prophecies by listening to, and interpreting, the hissing of serpents. (J.K. Rowling, of course, used this cult as the inspiration for some of the scenes in the Harry Potter septology.)

In any case, the entire book of Genesis looks like a collection of the oral histories the Hebrews had passed down. Like Native American tribes in the 19th and 20th centuries (and like writers such as Hesiod in ancient Greece) the first thing groups usually do when they get writing is write down and save their oral histories, without regard to whether they are "literally true" or not. (It isn't even clear what literally true would mean to pre-literate people.)

In any case, there is nothing at all in Genesis about original sin. That wasn't even a recognoized doctrine until the second century of the Christian era.

By hoary puccoon (not verified) on 07 May 2012 #permalink

Let me counter your "Bozo" argument with a quote NJ:

"It seems that even Sagan's quote about Bozo the Clown is yet another straw man argument: it hides the fact that the main topic of the quote is about fighting against new ideas with scornful guffaws and amused contempt. There was no scorn or contempt directed at Bozo. The quote is dishonest. It is not about healthy laughter at all." I truly plead that modern scientist do not become what they resent so much, close minded bigots who refuse to examine seemingly outlandish scientific notions.

As for a global flood having to creditable evidence, here's an URL:…
Admittedly I did not read all 18 arguments for a worldwide flood, but the article goes to show that there is tangible evidence for biblical notions such as a world wide flood. But let's be honest, I can go about posting URLs all day to counter your arguments, and you could spend all day arguing with me, but it if you choose to ignore me then it is all pointless. In the end we must not pt our faith on worldly evidence, for the world's evidence changes daily. Instead we must search ourselves for the truth, through introspection we can find that deep inside of us we already know what the truth is. We have to have faith in what we know inside of us instead of having faith in statistics and probabilities. I suggest that you spend some time with a Bible and that you search yourself. Get rid of all of your bias and stubbornness and be open to an epiphany. If you search you will find.

By Unanimous (not verified) on 13 May 2012 #permalink

Atheists are idiots. How can one deny faith? Every atheist, in my opinion, is an ignorant piece of garbage. You people smear the faith of others when we only want to HELP you. Yes, Help. You say we are smearing your religion. You don't have one. So either A.) Drop the point or B.) Get a religion. Oh by the way... Evolution is a creation theory and there for a religion. It's called Scientology. If you wanna believe that rubbish go right ahead, But I don't believe any of it.
-A Christian.

By Yuri Stravensky (not verified) on 22 Feb 2012 #permalink