Blog businness: This is my last post ever

It turns out the war of Gog and Magog starts tomorrow, so I'm going to spend the rest of the time before The Rapture cleaning out my father-in-law's Scotch Collection which I happen to be alone with right now. Details here.


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It's only the beginning of the rapture. We'll have seven good years with no god-botherers. Sounds fair.

Oh. So, I guess I'll keep blogging then. But I still get to drink the Scotch, right?

"But I still get to drink the Scotch, right?"

Depends - if it's under 12 years old it's too young to die.

All Scotch will be taken in the rapture; it's not a party without good Scotch, or at least Irish Whiskey, although a Kentucky Straight Bourbon (Knob Creek or Maker's Mark) would suffice in most cases.

I'll have to check the name, but there is a whiskey sold here that is known as "straight ol' west" whiskey. it's rather high proof, has a very sharp attack, but is very smooth once it's in. it's typically my choice over most scotch.

if the rapture folks want it they'll have to pry it from my dead hands.

oh, wait...

So where in the Bible does it say they get to take all this Scotch with them? I've been looking and I don't see it yet....

Never mind. A good cold vodka is the true rapture.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 20 Sep 2009 #permalink

Cold vodka is the true rapture? I would be to differ, sir. That would certainly be drinking Aquavit with the Swedes during a New Year's dinner. By the end of an evening with my girlfriend's family from Sweden, I was almost certain I was no longer on the Earth...

What's all this talk about booze? I always thought that the rapture was about dancing very close, barely breathing.

I have it on good authority that the world will end exactly at 1200 hours EDT today.

In view of this, today will be a day of mourning...