Why did somebody put this hilarious video on my facebook page?

Its a 1980s dating video montage. I think some of these guys were left over from the 70s.

I guess I'd go with the Viking.

Bonus video:

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I guess I'd go with the Viking.

Typical Minnesotan. ;-)

I like the "Hi Mom!" guy. Where did that come from? Did he think his mother would be watching or did he think that line would actually work?

That second video has to be fake.

The "likes cats" guy looks all too like a professor I once had...

I doubt any of these guy ever had a date.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 26 Sep 2009 #permalink

Hey, ladies, do you hate having fun? Well then I'm that special guy you've been looking for. I hate to have fun.