The Twins are Going to New York

Because they won 6 to 5 in the 12th inning, and are thus the American League Central Division Champions.

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and South Pole is celebrating. :)

Lutefisk is our secret weapon! We have an agent at the South Pole now getting more!

It woulda hurt more if it weren't just setting you up for ceremonial slaughter (NYY).

--Tigers fan

Exciting game. At leased you guys got to celebrate something, as the Yanks are going to kill ya'

I remember Carlton but never heard of Lute Fisk.

As a New Yorker who lives in Minnesota, I'm looking forward to this game.

Pole eyes are on it, too. We've got a Phillies fan, a Rockies fans and a few Red Sox fans. But the Twins are the best team in the history of the WORLD!!!! ;)