The Bible in Translation

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What if you could gamble for a good cause? Why not build a casino where the profits go to conservation? The idea came to me last night while watching a BBC documentary on gambling with Louis Theroux (see preview below). The segment features a woman who has lost $4 million over the last 7 years (…
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Not that I know all that much about Babblical history, but I gotta call these guys out on one point (about 22:50): the gap between the King Jimmy version and 20th-century translations is about three centuries, not five.

Iz I a skoller now?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 14 Oct 2009 #permalink

Veoh is no longer available in YOUR COUNTRY.

And i live in the EU.

I'm starting to get this more and more often, with different sites, and with things like music clips on youtube - witch is clearly a stupid idea since a music clip is about getting you to buy the record and go to a concert. The copyrights avalanche is starting to gain momentum till the point where someone will copyright your genes and you'll have to pay a royalty to live or breed(or something). Or until we will change the laws.