Sorry, no Pumpkin Pies this year.

I do make the absolute best pumpkin pie, which I am reminded of because of this recipe for Spicy Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie. There is a very large extended family with whom we have had Thanksgiving for the last few years and they have come to rely on my pies. But since Offspring is expected to be borned within a few days of Thanksgiving this year, they should make a backup plan.

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I'm not much of a pie baker, but I do make a mean cheesecake. Year before last it was a pumpkin cheesecake with "spiked" whipped cream (spiked with a bit of Jim Beam). Last year it was a caramelized apple cheesecake with butterscotch sauce. Emeril's dessert recipes rock.

NewEnglandBob detests pumpkin anything and would prefer to eat {fill in your own disgusting non-food choice here}.

I would boycott Dunkin' Donuts at this time of year due to their pumpkin this and that, but I kind of boycott it the rest of the year also.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 20 Oct 2009 #permalink

Hey, you've decided on a name!