Happy Mole Day!

It's mole day. The mole day site is down (try it later), but you can find out about it on Wikipedia.

Mole Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated among chemists in North America on October 23, between 6:02 AM and 6:02 PM[1], making the date 6:02 10/23 in the American style of writing dates. The time and date are derived from the Avogadro constant, which is approximately 6.02Ã1023, defining the number of particles (atoms or molecules) in a mole, one of the seven base SI units.

Mole Day originated in an article in The Science Teacher in the early 1980s.[2] Inspired by this article, Maurice Oehler, now a retired high school chemistry teacher from Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, founded the National Mole Day Foundation (NMDF) on May 15, 1991.[2]

More like this

on Pi day, (march 14th) people celebrate by eating pie.

what do the eat on mole day???!!?

I like Avagadro on salad.
Especially when it is made into Guacamole.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 23 Oct 2009 #permalink

You don't eat. YOu drik 18 oz of water. Or grams. Or whatever. I could never do moles in my head.

How about 342 grams of sugar?
I'm giving a quiz today on mole conversions. It's totally coincidental. I'm sure my students would prefer celebrating some other way.
Avogadro - guacamole is funny. I never thought of that (the guaca-mole part).

Q: Why was there only one Avogadro?

A: When they made him, they broke the Moled

Play Whack-a-Mole?

1023 ==> 10²³

By Ted Powell (not verified) on 23 Oct 2009 #permalink

A 'guaca-mole' is the amount of guacamole you can make from a mole of avocados.

By Rick Pikul (not verified) on 23 Oct 2009 #permalink