Why would you want to do this?

He gets that question a lot from women. He says.

Wow, that was cool.

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"World Champion Anvil Shooter" - not many people have that on their CV, or even want to :)

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 28 Oct 2009 #permalink

"World Champion Anvil Blower-upper" is a little more accurate.

And yes, that was cool!

I'm an odd girl cuz I love that stuff. Explosions are pretty damned fun. Something about combustion is just thrilling. Speaking of, did you see the Ares launch today? It was spectacular. :)

There's a world championship for anvil shooting?

You can bet your bottom dollar that Adam Savage would love it [and more than Jamie, too]

By natural cynic (not verified) on 29 Oct 2009 #permalink

It is really spiffy, but it does look like a Darwin Award waiting to happen.

Female here, and my thought was "wow, where I can I do that for myself". Things that go kaboom are *fun*, regardless of the gender of the observer. In fact, I'm just about to email this to some (mostly female) friends.

By stripey_cat (not verified) on 29 Oct 2009 #permalink

My wife loves that stuff as much as I do. There is only one thing more fun than watching other people blow shit up.

I think what this guy doesn't understand is that women aren't asking him why he'd want to make explosions. They're asking why he'd want to compete with anvils when he could be blowing up all sorts of stuff whenever he wants.

First I thought "why wouldn't you want to do this?"
and then I thought "Why wouldn't you want to do this with a roadrunner around?"

It is really spiffy, but it does look like a Darwin Award waiting to happen.

...kinda like this?