Windows: "Trust Me" ....

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When watching TV shows (usually on DVR or on-demand, not live), I try to fast forward commercials EXCEPT for this one. I love it.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 28 Oct 2009 #permalink

The marketing guys at Apple must have testicles the size of watermelons putting an ad like this out shortly after a massive data loss bug is found in their latest OS. Not to mention the previous "file move" data loss bug. When an OS will wipe out all your data without so much as a query simply because you log into the guest account, there is something seriously wrong with their test process.

It's so pathetic that Apple can only promote their OS by trying to put Windows down. Most of their complaints about Windows are exaggerations or outright lies.

Here's the difference between Windows users and Mac users. Windows users use their computer as a tool. Apple uses Mac users as a tool. (marketing tool, that is) They've turned Apple use into a fashion statement. A way to say "I'm an artist" even when you aren't one. Hardcore mac users are so delusional that they think that the single menu bar is better because it's like having "an infinite menu bar". Um, no.

Yes, I'm forced to use a Mac at my job and I hate it.

Aren't there laws against making commercials like this? I know that in most European countries you're not allowed to advertise with "Product X sucks, buy product Y." That's probably why they don't show these adds over here...

Also, I recall Apple doing something pretty similar, together with just about every other manufacturer or provider of any product or service ever.

Alcari: You can say whatever is true. I don't think MS has ever initiated a complaint in court about these.

So, let's see ... Two plus two equals ... hmmmm, let me think...

Greg: I don't think MS has ever initiated a complaint in court about these.

IANAL (or a Microsoft employee...), but I've always made one of two assumptions: either MS doesn't want to dignify the commercials with such an over-the-top response or MS realizes it would be more bother than it's worth.

The PC v. Mac commercials are bald-faced assertions built overexaggeration of perceived flaws in the Windows system but in most cases they stop short of outright lies. As such, it would be incredibly difficult to prove slander or libel in court. And "truth in advertising" claims are generally directed at positive claims for the product, which the PC v. Mac commercials rarely ever possess. The structure is just, "Wow, look at how much PCs suck, I'll buy a Mac instead!" If the commercials were, "Buy a Mac, it'll cure your cancer," then there'd be truth in advertising claims. If the commercials were, "Don't buy a PC, Bill Gates eats babies," then there'd be a slander/libel claim.

As such, these commercials are basically a more jackassed version of, "Buy Pepsi, since it tastes better than Coke."

Meanwhile, most people who feel the need to choose sides on the matter have chosen sides. People who like Macs will keep buyin Macs. People who like PCs will keep buying PCs. All my computers are PCs and will be for the forseeable future (although when I rebuild my desktop there will be a working Linux kernel this time around. The fact that I don't have one now is entirely the fault of the bad decision making I did on my video card purchase, but that's a story for another day). When I got my new laptop it was with some trepidation, since it came with Vista. But you know what? I really like Vista. My buddy who told me not to worry about Vista tells me that I'll really like Windows 7 if I ever move to it.

Windows gets a lot of automatic bad press every time something new comes out. But it's always seemed to me like a lot of that comes from people getting pre-release versions and screwing around or people who think, "Oh, I did things this way in XP, I can do them the same exact way in Vista. Wait, no I can't, this sucks!"

And, of course, people don't realize what Windows has to be able to do: be adaptable to pretty much any need. I liken the three main OSes to forms of government. Macs are like a theocracy. You have to do things the way they want to, but if you're happy in the system you'll be fine. And possibly a little brainwashed. Or a lot brainwashed in some cases. Linux is whatever the Libertarian ideal is. You're free to do anything you want, but if you don't have the skills or know the right people you might as well just not own a computer. Windows is a representative democracy. There's a little something for everybody, but that means there are enough problems to give people reasons to get pissed off.

So I don't see why there's a fight. I'm a PC user and I like my PCs. I see no reason to switch to Macs (and I usually laugh at those commercials. Not with. At, as in, "I think they're stupid." Not that I care for the "I'm a PC" commercials, either, except for the one with the really cute blonde. Really, I have no idea why either side feels the need to advertise. Pretty much everyone needs a computer, after all. Also, I've never seen a Linux commercial, but Linux use is on the rise) and I know that when I do get that Linux kernel up and running I won't be able to replace Windows, since there's a lot of stuff I do that's simply not available on Linux (games, mostly). I guess my point is, "Why can't we all just get along?" It's strange to me that computer use is turning in to a religion analog.

Note he didn't mentioned windows 3.1 (or 2000 pro)! They should have just stuck with ME and Vista, the former being the worst OS ever made, the latter having been released too soon. Not too sure what the point is throwing XP, 98 and 95. Those were the OS's that were solid.

I agree with you totally!

and I know that when I do get that Linux kernel up and running I won't be able to replace Windows

That is for sure. I run Linux on my netbook (well eeebuntu) and it's great, with the exception of flash (which is a nightmare). On my HTPC, it's 7 all the way, I wouldn't dare put linux on it due to driver support (ATI has notoriously bad Linux drivers). For a full function media PC, 7 is the way to go.

As for OSX, I have a unit on my desktop at work (I have many computers on my desk), though I use it mostly for testing cross-platform compatability of software/intranet/websites for my work. Others include thin clients with Linux and Blazer/WNOS proprietary thin terminal OS.

Geds - Linux is whatever the Libertarian ideal is. You're free to do anything you want, but if you don't have the skills or know the right people you might as well just not own a computer. Windows is a representative democracy. There's a little something for everybody, but that means there are enough problems to give people reasons to get pissed off.

No, Windows is exactly the same as Linux in this respect. If you don't have the right skills or know the right people, you're at least as screwed with Windows as Linux - probably more so, as there are more viruses and malware targeted at Windows.

The majority of people don't fix or upgrade or administer Windows. They get their kid/cousin/friend/neighbor who's "good with computers" to do it. My wife got me a t-shirt that says, "No, I will not fix your computer" so I could wear it to family reunions for this very reason.

There are a few reasons for some people to go for Windows instead of Linux - mostly games and particular hardware issues. But don't pretend that Windows is actually better from an ease-of-use or administration standpoint, 'cause it's not.

Not too sure what the point is throwing XP, 98 and 95. Those were the OS's that were solid.

They became solid after numerous bug fixes and driver updates. Bill Gates will never live this one down:

By aratina cage (not verified) on 29 Oct 2009 #permalink

Geds: [5]: MS doesn't want to dignify the commercials with such an over-the-top response
The Microsoft Legal Departments? Dignity? Hahahahahahah!!!

The PC v. Mac commercials are bald-faced assertions built overexaggeration of perceived flaws in the Windows system but in most cases they stop short of outright lies.

I'm sticking with my story. They do not libel the company because they are widely held, if disputable, expert opinions, every one. I imagine that Apple has a legal department, and I imagine that every single statement made in the ads or inferred from even the snark in the ads or as statements by the bumbling PC guy goes along with a file cabinet or so full of printed similar statements by acknowledged experts.

Which goes back to your first point of it not being worth it. Every one of those experts will testify for free, and Microsoft will have to counter each with a paid expert.

It's not that they stop short of being lies a much as they are essentially true in the main.

Not that I'm a big Mac fan.

What video card did you badly decide to purchase? Chances are it works in Linux. Linux supports more hardware than any other OS.

@aratina cage

Hm well I remember my transition from 3.1 to 95 and 95 to 98 to be fairly smooth (they were purchased on release) and I did the install myself at the age of 11 (win 95) as my dad though I'd have less trouble with it. I found XP to be perfect out of the box (thanks to win 2000 pro having gone through the patches, much like Vista to 7). But, I could have been lucky with the hardware I had in my unit(s) at time of upgrade. Windows Me, on the other hand, was a nightmare. Not to say I never ran into a BSoD or anything like that (normally my own fault though for screwing with things)


What video card did you badly decide to purchase? Chances are it works in Linux. Linux supports more hardware than any other OS

Whoa there, that is far from the truth. It is very well known that ATI drivers are very shaky at best on Linux. They aren't even that great on windows (this isn't a knock on Linux or Windows, but ATI themselves). I have dual ATI Radeon HD 4890 in Crossfire (was top-of-the-line when purchased in August), and does not play well with Linux. Same with my Haupaugge dual analog/digital TV tuner. Honestly, for an HTPC, 7 is the go-to OS, Windows Media Center rocks it.

I've used the ATI 5770 with no trouble in Vista and 7.

However, Vista basically drives me crazy otherwise. I plan to upgrade it to win7 very soon. Compared to win7 it seems to be really slow, not to mention buggy.

I've been curious about Linux for a while. What are the major strengths and shortfalls of this OS from your point of view?

Other than watching some online videos (like the one above) my PC's don't get much video duty. But I do a lot of gaming -hence the 'dork' name.

I still have XP on two of my PC's and never have problems with them. Why don't they (MS) just update that OS and release it back out to the public? Give it a shiny new look and feel -but basically the same OS... I heard that over 80% of office PC's still use XP anyway.

MS drives me nuts! But I don't want to switch to Mac. Is Linux the answer? I don't want to have problems with my ATI graphics card.

I know it's probably just MS propaganda machine put into heavy use but why doesn't MAC go through OS changes like MS does? Mac seems to stick to their OS platforms longer. Or maybe I'm mistaken.