Bachmann Violated Rules with Tea Party Event

You probably heard about Michele Bachmann's "Whites of their eyes" event last week, where she urged reporters to arrive en masse at the US Capitol, to swarm the halls and glare at their congresspersons in the eyes until the blinked. Or voted against health care insurance reform. Or something.

The rally, which consisted of Bachmann and a number of other wingnuts displaying absurd theatrics and civic stupidity was technically called a press conference, and apparently members of congress can do that ... they can simply go out to the public space and have even rather elaborate press conferences ... without a permit. But the press was not explicitly invited to a press conference and no questions were taken at this event, and it was clearly in every way imaginable a rally.

With no permit.

Bachmann's official congressional web site was also used to promote and manage the event. That is also a violation, as a rally is a political event. Her political campaign is not supposed to be funded by the taxpayers.

The details are here.

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I've been to hundreds of unpermitted peaceful assemblies in public spaces. I've never been maced or clubbed or arrested before. Is this a new thing?

What a crock. There was no funding involved and the press was there. Nice try but no cigar.

This title is libelous in that it is not proven true. You'd better remove it right away before you get sued.

Bachmann Violated Rules with Tea Party Event

the internet lawyers are here


Did you get your law degree from the same place Orly Taitz did? Clearly you haven't mastered American rules about defamation.

By freelunch (not verified) on 19 Nov 2009 #permalink

NH: The press were not allowed to ask questions. That is the definition of a press conference. The press also shows up a train wrecks.

was there actually any teabagging going on at this tea party event? if so, that could explain why they weren't able to answer any questions for the press.

You mean, like bagging the questions?