Tea Party Activists Promise to Shoot Those who Disagree With Them

Tea Party activists have gathered on Capitol Hill today for a "Code Red" rally against health care reform. .... The gathering was organized by Tea Party Profiteer organizations ... ThinkProgress .... spotted a sign threatening violence if health care passes. The sign reads: "Warning: If Brown can't stop it, a Browning can," referring to Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) and a Browning ...

Check it out

So what does this mean? If I know someone is in the Tea Party and I know they know I supported health care reform, should I kill them preemptively? Seriously. I live several hundred meters from Michele Bachmann's congressional district. I'm surrounded. What do I do?

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Yes, because if they succeed, children with cancer and other pre-existing conditions will die by the thousands as they are denied health coverage. Any ethicist would agree.

You're a man of principle. Stand up for what you believe in and prepare to pay the price.

By Bill James (not verified) on 24 Mar 2010 #permalink

From http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0310/34907.html

(Should really just read the whole thing, it's got lots of examples of these people's behavior.)

"Slaughter, a Democrat who chairs the House Rules Committee, said a caller to her office last week vowed to send snipers to âkill the children of the members who voted yes.â Her office reported the call to police, who were dispatched to provide protection for Slaughterâs grandchildren. She has also been in touch with the FBI and U.S. Postal Service inspectors, who intercepted a letter en route to her home in upstate New York.

Stupak, the Michigan Democrat whose last-minute compromise on abortion guaranteed passage of the bill Sunday, said callers have left messages for him saying, âYouâre dead; we know where you live; weâll get you.â "

What the fuck is up with the childishness of American politics, anyway?

(Disclaimer: I'm European.)

By Ketil Tveiten (not verified) on 24 Mar 2010 #permalink

Holy fracking cow!

On that link ... last picture ... two guys holding a poster with a picture of Obama in a Nazi hat ... the guy on the left ... is my father-in-law!?! (pretty sure I know who the guy on the right is)

Nicest guy (my FiL), but he's been a Faux-news grump for a few years now.

By A.Nonymous (not verified) on 24 Mar 2010 #permalink

Spare yourself the trouble, Scrambled Greggs. I'm already on my way to get 'em, those ignorant bastards.

By Science & Honor (not verified) on 24 Mar 2010 #permalink

A.Nonymous - sorry for your shock, but now you have a really good reason for refusing to ever enter his house or share a meal with him.

By Texas Reader (not verified) on 24 Mar 2010 #permalink

What the fuck is up with the childishness of American politics, anyway?

A little thing called the American Civil War is what's up with it. European wars come from a history if interrelated nobility sending the commons to kill one another. There were rules. So in europoe, the idea of limited war is well accepted.

In the USA, they didn't have that history. Their idea of war and political change is taken from the civil war which - like most civil wars - was incredibly bloody. Genocidal, even. Its why even now their armed forces do not understand that defeating an enemy does not necessarily mean killing 'em all.

Yes, you should do some pre-emptive shooting, if for no other reason than to remind them that not only Faux-Gnus twits have firearms and ammunition. But -- and here's the important part -- only wound them. A nice shot in the shoulder, requiring removal of the shell and an overnight stay, maybe some PT. That kind of thing.

And then, make them pay for the healthcare they receive out of their own pockets.

Let's see if that free market is still the way, the truth, and the light (*genuflect*) after they get the bills.

By OleanderTea (not verified) on 24 Mar 2010 #permalink

"So what does this mean? If I know someone is in the Tea Party and I know they know I supported health care reform, should I kill them preemptively? Seriously. I live several hundred meters from Michele Bachmann's congressional district. I'm surrounded. What do I do?"

If it's getting this bad, I wouldn't take any chances: get a firearm and learn how to use it.

I am so happy that I don't live in america. I love america if only because it reminds me of how bad things can really get.

don't get a gun; it increases the likelihood of getting shot. Just sit tight and wait for them to come down with parkinson's or any other disease and they'll change their tune overnight.

haha @ Cantor. He is saying that its Democrats fault that his office was shot at BECAUSE DEMOCRATS WERE THREATENED and had the audacity to mention it in public.

I'm guessing his constituents are so stupid they don't know he's not a Democrat.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 25 Mar 2010 #permalink

The round that hit Cantor's window was coming on a down trajectory. It had enough energy to break the window and enter the room, but not enough to go through the blind. It was found on the floor a foot from the window.

It was likely just a stray round that someone fired in the air at 1 AM from miles away.

Those 'patriots' are stupid to believe the FBI can't make a bee line from their obscene diatribes left on the phone,directly to their home. Most home phones have caller ID. I couldn't imagine a government official not having one. ditto with the emails and faxes. The FBI is working plenty of overtime about now. Obama is right in not even acknowledging them. To acknowledge the threats, gives them power. Let the security details do their job!

Gwen, every single phone call everyone makes passes through one of a handful of switching systems that are totally accessible to the NSA. The NSA is supposed to not record or listen in on these calls unless they are following through with an overseas call. Unless they want to.

The absurd thing is tha the NSA will never give this information to the FBI becasue of turf wars between the agencies.

(I saw all this on NOVA so it must be true.)