The 150th on the blogosphere

With ID proponents increasingly and more loudly decrying Darwin as the reason the Holocaust happened, Bogused-Up copies of The Origin being circulated by Banana Loving Christians, and attacks on real science and real science education in the US continuing as though there were no Constitution or court system telling them to take it down a notch, it is appropriate to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of The Origin of Species with a certain amount of noise and gusto. I won't say that is the only way to do it, but it is one way. There are not a lot of other days on which one can do this. Well, zero, really.

Obviously, I'm doing it here in my own humble way with a day of mostly Origin or Darwin related posts, but here's a few other loci in the blogosphere (and elsewhere) you may visit if you just need more Darwin:

Check out On Origin's anniversary, it's time for some legacy-thinking at The Beagle Project Blog

Urban Science Adventures has Origin of Species celebrates 150 years of publication

The Island of Doubt: The Ultimate Charles Darwin Coffee-Table Book

Charles Darwin and His Impact at The Rice Standard

The Beagle Diary has Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published 150 years ago today on the 24 November 1859

150 years since the publication of On the origin of species today at Code for Life.

Fellow 99% Apes - Happy Evolution Day...! at Alter Ego

Smart Planet: 10 ways to celebrate today's 'Origin of Species' birthday

And a CNN interview with Richard Dawkins HERE.

The Red Notebook: What do you mean, you've never read 'On the Origin of Species'?

Ego Sum Daniel: 150 years ago on this day...

Radar Love: Origin of Spices

Henry Gee of I, Editor: An Sesquicentennial Thought

Pharyngula: Happy Anniversary, Origin...some good news and Happy Anniversary, Origin...some bad news

Gene Expression:

"Lives of the Saints of Science: Darwin," Thus Spake Zuska

Laelaps: How I will celebrate Origin Day


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