"Time for Atheists to Stop It"

I hear the cries and the calls of the religious moderate, and they are as usual correct. We have been too uppity, and I apologize on behalf of all of us. We should have known better, of course but in our exuberance at the publication of books by Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and others, we forgot to realize that even though our numbers seem to be growing we are really riding the crest of a fad. It was something we should have recognized, and we should have told all those who heard that there are other atheists just to go home and pretend that they are religious, just like Mom and Dad.

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me no sorry

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 24 Nov 2009 #permalink

Please don't hate me now, atheists, but I know what to expect basd on what happend to JerrY Bergman. If it gets too bad I may have to seek solace from John Kwok.

We really oughtta shut up otherwise our ideas will never spread.

What's the quote? First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Spread the meme! Some people casually leave tracts around town for other people to find.

I've taken to crossing out "Jesus" and writing in "our imaginary friend" and replacing "God" with "the tooth fairy" and "you can get our religious reminder" with "$end money! $$$" and "prayer will give you strength" with "tell your troubles to your teddy bear." It still makes sense.

Then I put them back where I found them.

Daniel Dennett...too uppity?

They haven't read any of it.

By Charles Evo (not verified) on 24 Nov 2009 #permalink

The link gives me this message:

"I am putting Tangled Up in Blue Guy into private mode and you have reached the only page available. If you have come here from a link, please notify the webmaster of the article or site that sent you here. You may read my posts at Quiche Moraine."

Consider yourself notified.