Which is more Zero-G, cats or dogs?



Bonus video:

More like this

Cats: More cat: Dogs: More dog: Bonus Kitties:
cat: dog: Yoomans:
.... you be the judge .... Dog: Cat:
Panthera pardus pardus Bonus video: you be the judge. A cat showing compassion, or a cat with a new toy?

The dog seemed pretty cool about it. The second cat was thrown around - of course it would freak.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 25 Nov 2009 #permalink

That... is... weird. The dog, pretty calm about the whole thing, but then it only lasted a few seconds. The cats did remarkably well considering it looks like they'd been in zero-G for a while. My cat would've taken that guy's eyes out.

Poor pussies.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 25 Nov 2009 #permalink

@The Science Pundit: Technically, the cat is falling. :-)

I'll vote for the cats because I had a number of dogs that would grab cats and hurl them through the air until the cats stopped hissing when they hit the ground. I had lost count on the number of cats that would fly by my bedroom window on the second floor.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 26 Nov 2009 #permalink

Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats innnnnnnnnnn Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaacee!

In the middle video, the cat is falling, whichever way you look at it ;)

But of course, it's falling in the traditional sense and the picture is side on. Still, it looks amazing!

Many years ago there was an article about survivorship of cats which fell from highrise apartment buildings. Cats from about the third floor had higher mortality than cats from higher up. Story was they braced for landing and got their front legs driven into their rib cage. Cats from higher up lost the feeling of falling and relaxed. They hit the ground flat with legs spread and survived. Cats from even higher up went splat.

By Jim Thomerson (not verified) on 26 Nov 2009 #permalink

Yeah, I recently read something like Thomerson just said. Of course, "Thomerson" sounds suspiciously like a cat name, so without verifiable references...

In my own experiences, Kitty could right herself and land on her feet even when stoned (this was done by MIT students in 1974). A decade later further experiments with a pit bull did not lead to conclusive results.

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 29 Nov 2009 #permalink