When the manuscript review goes bad

Drug monkey put up this funny video. But it is not so funny as it is like real life some times.

I (and a couple of others) once found out that we were no longer authors on a manuscript (that we had written) when the "authors" gathered in a lobby to get on an elevator to go up to a suite (at a conference) to put on finishing touches. We were asked to not get on the elevator.

We had questioned a very dubious conclusion that one of the primaries had come to in an unrelated research project. We were right of course.

The real sad news is this: Back in the old days, any academic worth a pinch of salt would have known German, and this would not have made any sense!

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FWIW, I switched off the sound, so daà ich only had to read the subtitles. On German as academic lingua franca: That's mostly over, though there are still residues in certain fields, e.g., music. Usually people are prepared to publish in English, even if that English may have many characteristics of German, including the long and multiply-qualified expressions and sentences. (-:

By Ben Breuer (not verified) on 30 Nov 2009 #permalink

Depends on the PhD. I graduated a student in 2004 who was partly situated in NE studies, and required two dead languages and one living scholarly (for real, not just some dumbass translate a page thing). I graduated in 92 with KiNguana as my language, spoken only. My most likely to graduate next student (lactaional ecology), language = statistics.