What Do You Know About The Separation of State and Church?

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Woohoo, 17 correct, probably closer to the mean for atheists, though. Maybe even below average.

I got 17, and I just guessed most of them as I'm from NZ, not the US. Helped to know what the overarching point of the quiz was though ;)

By Katherine (not verified) on 01 Dec 2009 #permalink

17, and I guessed most of them.

19, and some of them were guessed.

19. One of the ones missed was the one about who initiated the suit against bible reading in schools (I chose jewish family) and the other was which colony allowed religious freedom (I guessed and chose Virginia). Good quiz, overall.

I got 19 correct.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 01 Dec 2009 #permalink

20/21. I knew that the FSC were good for something besides drinking games.

17 correct. One of which I thought I had picked the other option so that one doesn't count.

I disagree slightly with their answer for 2, in that the date is given in the Constitution as AD so I put 1 down for the question of how many times God is mentioned in the Constitution. But that's a very nitpicky issue.

They got me with #8
I checked Virginia for it's statute on religious freedom.
Damn my fondness for Jefferson! It colors my views.

19 - I guessed that the Puritans tolerated Anglicans, at least (wrong), and credited the French with separation.

I "guessed" the Hitler quotation, and a couple of others - that was test-taking skill, as I anticipated the intent of the test maker.

21 out of 21 though I did do an educated guess on a few.

The US Constitution has "in the year of our Lord" but not the actual word 'God' as the question asked. The phrase was fairly standard for formal documents of the time.

20/21. Good quiz.

By gruntled atheist (not verified) on 01 Dec 2009 #permalink

19/21 I guessed wrong on the John Adams treaty one and the Wisconsin Catholics one. I was blinded the fact that I was raised by surrounded by Lutherans who take a hard line on church/state issues.

By katydid13 (not verified) on 01 Dec 2009 #permalink

21/21 I'm proud to say.

Although much of it is attributable to reading Greg and Ed and PZ's musings pretty much daily, it may also be because my senior thesis paper was on the status of church-state relations in the US since Everson, for which I had to do some background research on the colonies, the Jefferson letter, the Adams treaty, the Pledge, and the various notable recent cases, including the ones in Wisconsin and Texas that the quiz references.

21 correct


Guessed wrong on Christmas, and the all presidents being christian is a little open to interpretation. (I grew up in pretty liberal UU, but calling UU and deists non-christian is splitting a very fine hair in my opinion.)

21! Blackjack!