Michele Bachmann Wins Major Award!

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann wins a major award, and we Minnesotans are all so freakin' proud of her! Watch:

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Hey, next time maybe you'll win the gold!

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Michele Bachmann is my home-girl. has lived in a nearby town for years, represented a nearby community in the Minnesota State Senate. I had one of her kids in my class at the U. And she's the US Congressperson for the district that is just a few short blocks from where I live now . In many ways…
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Look up "telling a lie" in the dictionary and you'll see this video clip next to the definition as an excellent example: Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy source

I bet she's disappointed that it doesn't come with a lamp shaped like a saloon dancer's leg.

The woman makes me think of a schizophrenic Betty Crocker.

By Albatross (not verified) on 03 Dec 2009 #permalink

This actually is a pretty good example of why I don't watch Olberman. These segments he does would be much more persuasive if he didn't feel a need to do nasty voices for the worst people. It comes across as juvenile, nasty, and hurtful to people with speech problems. Moreover, his ordering is frequently just idiotic. I mean, seriously, Bill O'Riley made a mistake on air and didn't realize he was live? This makes him the worst person in the world? Right.

Toccata & Fugue in D minor as background music?

Joshua, Bill O'Really? is always, and automatically, the worst person in the world. He does not have to do anything specific to win this award.

Usually, O'Reilly makes mistakes on the air and doesn't care. (A less charitable person might simply say O'Reilly lies.)

By Mark Duigon (not verified) on 04 Dec 2009 #permalink