You say "Tomahto" ... Sarah Palin says "Look out for the Toma.... SPLAT"

Jeremiah Wobbe, of Saint Paul, chucked tomatoes at Sarah Palin ... at the mall of America ...

... He missed. He threw two tomatoes, and both missed Palin, but one did hit a cop in the face. Apparently a second police officer was hit as well. Mr. Wobbe was arrested with the help of angry citizens who were standing nearby at the time.

Jeremy was still holding two unexpended tomatoes when he was arrested.


Thanks Emily Cassidy for the heads up on this one.

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His name is now Jeremy Olson ... or Olsen.

According to Larry Jacobs, more than four out of the Americans would throw tomatoes at Sarah Palin. Roughly.

I notice most of America, liberal or conservative, isn't actually made up of adults.

By Katharine (not verified) on 07 Dec 2009 #permalink

I notice most of America, liberal or conservative, isn't actually made up of adults.

Funny; that sort of whine always struck ME as fairly childish...

I hope the tomatoes were no good any more. It would be a shame to waste good tomatoes. My other thought about this: isn't it appropriate, somehow, for this to happen at the Mall of America?

Apparently we wealthy Americans can no longer afford shoes to throw. Perhaps he should have borrowed some shoes from an Iraqi.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 07 Dec 2009 #permalink

And now the nutty teabaggers will demand Secret Service protection for Palin in the wake of this obvious assassination attempt.

But those guys who pack loaded weapons to appearances of the president? No big deal.

That was silly of that poor guy. Now He's going to be called a terrorist, and who knows where he'll end up...

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 07 Dec 2009 #permalink

Maybe he has good aim but doesn't like policemen ;)

By Richard Eis (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink

Pleez tell me that someone out there has video of this!

Well, of course he missed. Sarah Palin does not really exist, but is a mask worn by Michelle Bachmann, who then uses a holographic projection to show a Palin visage to the world from her home in a garbage dump. Pass it on.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink

This is the problem with liberals. His parents should have forced him to play baseball instead of playing with his dolls, and then maybe he wouldn't have missed.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink

Azkyroth, I don't know how that's considered childish.

Sure, throwing a tomato communicates a pretty strong message, but what does it communicate? 'I'm mad, but I don't know how to vocalize my issues so I'm going to look 5 years old and throw stuff' ?

Signs are fine. Throwing shit is dumb. Let the conservatives look like children, not liberals.

By Katharine (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink

Had he been more accurate, the headlines could have been much more colorful: "Nut hit by Fruit" or "Palin tomato bombed: says dress is now ruined"

It's just a matter of time before these maniacs start strapping tomato vests on their children and sending them into crowded market places!!! Tomatoes are a bigger threat to civilization than gay marriage and reality teevee combined!!1!!!

Okay. That does it! Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, sarah Palin, etc. all get fruit and pies thrown at them when they speak somewhere. Are there any conservatives out there willing to pepper spray or taser the next leftist speaker at a college? If these freaks and %$&)$#ers want war, then I say we give it to them. If you are a conservative author and some dipshit leftist throws fruit of anything at you at a booksigning, you have the full legal right to bring out your taser gun and electrocute the %&#$!ers. Hold the button till they turn blue or the taser quits.

Or... we could have fun and have a team of our own pie throwers and have a three stooges pie throwing session.

If these hateful freaks want a tomato war, bring it on. Be forwarned throw a tomato at me and you'll get a nice warm face full of pepper spray followed by a good swift kick in the ass (and the teeth).

When are conservatives going to start fighting these freaks? Our side has no guts, except for me.

By Conservative Warrior (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink

It would have been alot more funny if Todd Palin would have kicked that guy's ass. I would pay to see a leftist get his butt kicked at such an event.

By Conservative Warrior (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink

Okay. That does it! Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, sarah Palin, etc. all get fruit and pies thrown at them when they speak somewhere. Are there any conservatives out there willing to pepper spray or taser the next leftist speaker at a college? If these freaks and %$&)$#ers want war, then I say we give it to them. If you are a conservative author and some dipshit leftist throws fruit of anything at you at a booksigning, you have the full legal right to bring out your taser gun and electrocute the %&#$!ers. Hold the button till they turn blue or the taser quits.

This is why false talk of balance is taken down on this blog when it happens. To a right winger, a tomato thrown by a hippie is the same thing as a taser wielded by a libertarian.

Greg, the issue is not the tomato. It is the fact that this leftist (not hippy, they were not hatemongers) had the audacity to invade an event he disliked and disrupted the event by assualting the event speaker. If he gets tasered, then his hatefulness would be repaid in full.

Lesson learned: If you do not start trouble, then trouble will not come to you. Remember that what comes around goes around. Okay, maybe a taser would be carrying it a bit far. Perhaps a good kick in the nads would suffice.

This issue settles it for me. The next time I go hear a public conservative official speak, I'm carrying a good green hard apple or two with me. When that leftist throws his tomato at the speaker, I'll walk up behind him and BAM! BAM! in the back of the head with two hard green apples. Payback is hell. This crap calls for war. I recommend all conservatives start carrying green apples to speaking events and gang up on these leftists who interupt the event. Better yet, just empty you drink down the back of their shirt or dash it in their face. Make sure it is a sticky drink though. Water is not good enough.

We have to start fighting back. This crap happens all the time. At least Sean hannity has started prosecuting the leftists for assualt. The last person who threw a pie at Ann Coulter landed jail time. She should have tasered him him. That's alot better than jail, and saves us all tax money too - we don't have to feed the bum.

By Conservative Warrior (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink

It was hilarious that the dufus hit a cop in the face with a tomato and was arrested though. Like I said, Should have tasered him. It was self defense right?

Maybe the judge (if there is such a thing) will give him six months community service (chopping wood, shoveling snow, washing police cars / firetrucks, etc.) Better yet, maybe the judge will sentence him to read Palin's new book and do a book report on it.

Peace out yall.

By Conservative Warrior (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink

Lesson learned: If you do not start trouble, then trouble will not come to you. Remember that what comes around goes around.

Perhaps Mrs. Palin should take this advice too!

By Nick Gardner (not verified) on 08 Dec 2009 #permalink