Please help out a friend...

... with a survey.

This is a survey of The Media and your spending habits, which is being done as informal research pursuant to the writing of what will prove to be a very interesting book on a very interesting topic. Please take the survey and then pass on the link to EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!!!11!!


Survey is HERE.

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One problem the survey has is that the last quest has no categories for retired or for unemployed (intentionally or not). Also why is "Upkeep of your home" a category of What type of work one does?

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 10 Dec 2009 #permalink

Question 1 has NO mention of any kind of print media, which for me is a primary source.

Also, I expected to be able to at least vote FOR atheism, or at least "No" to a God question! :)

Keep the critiques coming! I'll be sure to pass them on to the survey purveyor.

I echo comments 3 & 4. I suspect that "upkeep of your home" might have been a way to avoid the omnipresent but obnoxious "homemaker?" (Altho it sounds more like something pertinent to Home Depot devotees...)

As an erstwhile "mother at home," I like the "caring for your children at home" option (frequently, only "homemaker" is available on such lists, but that implies far too much Martha Stuart for me), though I would prefer a simple choice of "Parenting." (I still spend a greater chunk of time than I would have thought doing the same for my legally adult, more or less out-of-the-house children!)

10. What type of work do you do? Select all that apply.
What type of work do you do? Select all that apply. Conventional full time job (40+ hrs/wk, outside the home)
Part time job
Self Employment
Caring for your child/children at home
Upkeep of your home
Volunteer work

Since "unemployed" is not an option, the people who constructed this survey are clearly out of touch with reality.

llewelly: Actually, the person who constructed this form is way more connected with reality than almost anyone I know.

I wonder if the idea is that several of these categories would describe a non-employed person, and she does not want "unemployed" as the only category someone checks. Or, maybe this could be better worded. I am not privy to the exact purpose of the survey.

Another thing that's missing from the last question: school/college/university.

By AnonCoward23 (not verified) on 10 Dec 2009 #permalink