The Brown Cube is The Brown Cube

The Brown Cube is not the Rubik Cube. Anybody who thinks they are the same is ... wrong.

My friend Asha, as I write this, is heading out to the bar to watch the end of the game. It would be great to join her, but I've got some other things going right now. But YOU can join Asha, who is a pretty remarkable person, on her blog, and see what this whole Brown Cube thing is. Keep an eye on the Brown Cube. Some day it will be a famous song or something. Sung by Asha.

Here is Asha solving the Brown Cube. I think she's feeling a bit down that no one ever leaves comments on her blog. Go leave a comment!

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Where can I get one of those brown cubes.

I have one of those! It's green though

By Kevin Sooley (not verified) on 13 Dec 2009 #permalink

If Asha's post, which is a deeply disturbing social commentary, was done with a green cube, it would not have been the same.

If Asha's post, which is a deeply disturbing social commentary...

How do you get "deeply disturbing social commentary" from that?

By Bill James (not verified) on 14 Dec 2009 #permalink

Very cool. Anyone interested in this may be interested in Rubik's Mirror Block. It's fundamentally no different from a regular 3x3 cube, but is far more satisfying to just twist around, unsolved.

Quality Asian knockoffs are available for much less on the well known auction site.

By LightningRose (not verified) on 14 Dec 2009 #permalink