Petition Against Lie-berman

Joe Lieberman has announced that he will not vote to stop the filibuster of any for a health care bill that contains the public option. He justifies this position by saying that a government-run health insurance option will cost taxpayers and increase the National Debt even though the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecasts $100 billion in savings thanks to the public option. He further claims that his position is what is best for his constituents, even though polling in Connecticut shows that among likely voters 68 percent favor a public option, while only 21 percent oppose it.

Now is the time for Senate Democratic leadership -- Senators Reid, Schumer, and Durbin -- to stop making excuses for Joe Lieberman. Harry Reid has shown great leadership in writing a health care bill that includes the public option. But Joe Lieberman is not "with us" on everything but the war. Joe Lieberman's position is against Senate Democrats, against his constituents in Connecticut and against the will of the American public.

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While I agree with the sentiment, I won't sign an on-line petition that wants my mailing address and phone number.

If you want your name to go to Congress in a petition you need to identify yourself in a standard way.

The petition does not require your phone number.

I signed and left a comment in the petition, and am a CT resident. As far as I know, our state has no recall option. Its a shame

One of these days Connecticut will stop voting the guy up and Lieberman will simply move home to Israel considering his work here as done.

By Bill James (not verified) on 18 Dec 2009 #permalink

I signed it. Lieberman is owned by the insurance industry. He must go.

Bill James, your comment is offensive. This has nothing to do with Israel.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 18 Dec 2009 #permalink

I signed the petition, no problem.

[6] The only reason you might find my comment offensive is your choice in taking offense. As such, I have no control over your personal sensitivities or preconceived notions as you pluck tidbits of information for inclusion into your uniquely arranged worldview. Oh well.

By Bill James (not verified) on 18 Dec 2009 #permalink

What is the price of kumquats in New Zealand, Bill James?

Oh wait, it is not relevant, just like your stupid comment on Israel and your more asinine comment about world views.

You have a huge chip on your shoulder. Oh well.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 18 Dec 2009 #permalink

OK, take it down a notch boys...

There may be nothing to fight about here. Lieberman has been just as exploitative of his own Jewish constituents in his pandering to pro-Israeli policy (whether those policies are good or not) as he has been dismissive of his working class constituants in his pandering to the insurance industry. For better or worse, both lobbies have simple rules and those who follow the rules get the votes/funding.

Except the pro-Israeli lobby has been changing in recent years as time and distance change the way people see themselves and their broader communities.

In other words, Bill's remark may not have been particularly anything.

I'm only signing a petition regarding Lieberman if it regards a progressive candidate for his senate seat or it mandates the desecration of his corpse, the sooner the better.