#scio10: Response to Ed Yong's excellent reflections.

In reference to this

Bullet Point 1: I agree, and I wanted to do that to you but for some reason we did not hook up.
Bullet Point 2: It is good to match up the flesh to the sound, it changes everything!
Bullet Point 3: I'm sure you are right about the explosion. Brilliant, actually (imagine that said in an Oxford accent).
Bullet Point 4: I saw this as well, and some of us are now talking about a "blog book tour" idea as an example of that. I hope you are interested.
Bullet Point 5: Sorry about your brain breaking, but it will get better (imagine that in a Monty Python accent).
Bullet Point 6: True.
Bullet Point 7: Reminds me of Levi Straus's comments about using a wire recorder while working in the Amazon.
Bullet Point 8: Meh.

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Wish I was there.

"...for some reason..."

Hah! There were just "too many" cool people to be able to meet and talk to all of them. I was looking for a chance to chat a little with Isis all weekend and was thwarted. I can, however, confirm that her shoes really are all that.

I did not even see Isis. I also missed a chance to talk to Sandra Porter, Chris Rowan and Anne Jefferson all of whom I kept thinking "Oh, I'll catch up in a second" but never did.

But watching Henry Gee and PZ Myers hugging made up for some of that.

Actually, I can pretty much guarantee you saw Isis. If she doesn't blog all the individual sessions herself, I'll tell you privately where.