American Missionaries Acting Badly?

Ten American missionaries are charged in Haiti with child kidnapping and conspiracy. There are no accurate details of what happened, but it appears that the missionaries may have been trying to bring 30 or more kinds into some American based adoption system in a manner that was not in accord with Haitian law.

Until further details are available, you might as well read up on missionaries.

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30 or more kinds? So each kid was a separate baramin, damn taxonomic splitters.

By afarensis, FCD (not verified) on 04 Feb 2010 #permalink

Proper licensing in the country is a must. Otherwise you have a criminal act.

One of my colleagues spent the larger part of a year making sure the adoption company he works with follows all proper laws and regulations in every jurisdiction in which they operate. Each state in the U.S. is slightly different, not to mention the countries they work in. It wasn't always easy to determine just how they needed to comply with certain rules.

It wouldn't surprise me a bit if these ladies are put *under* the jail rather than in it. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the adults in a country are protective of the children they are supposed to care for.

The paternalistic tone of defense because these ladies are Christain smacks of the 18th century. Haiti is a poor country, not a primitive one.

Considering the tragedy, giving your kid to a visiting American who will take it back the USA, feed and educated it (however religiously) is probably an excellent evolutionary strategy. Also saves the offspring the later risk of sinking in an over laden leaky boat.


Haiti is a disaster area, but not an anarchy. As screwed up as the government may be, they still have laws to be followed.

Bonus stupidity from last night's BBC news report on the matter: "These don't seem to be criminals, they're religious zealots." Like the two are mutually exclusive...